And when he woke up, the dragon was still there.
And when he woke up, he dragon was still there (The tale shorter than the historyby Augusto Monterroso).And paraphrasing Monterroso, ...
And when he woke up, he dragon was still there (The tale shorter than the historyby Augusto Monterroso).And paraphrasing Monterroso, ...
YEAH, The day has comewe live something that we had never lived, at least in the near past, Some with ...
No, I didn't mean "more of the same" but really "more of the same" because the people that today are ...
Our silence disguised as indifference will take its toll on us, If it isn't already being paid back by us ...
Humanity has eternally struggled to achieve the emancipationthe quest for freedom It is the most legitimate aspiration of the human ...
The domestic violence has existed since the Genesis of the humanitythe physical strength of the man makes him believe that ...
He bullying inside the school facilities"… is he physical or psychological harassment who are continuously subjected to a studenttheir companions".This ...
As we go through life we are forced, from time to time, to stop, check us and realize what We ...
"The idealization It takes place when a person considers another as a example of perfectionthat is to say, exaggerates his ...
He The world is not black and white, good or bad, friend or enemybetween each pair of options there are ...