Ángel Cristo clarifies the reason why Ana Herminia has not gone to the set of ‘GH Dúo’ after her expulsion
Ana Herminia Illaslast expelled from GH Duodid not appear in the first debate after his departure from the Guadalix house. ...
Ana Herminia Illaslast expelled from GH Duodid not appear in the first debate after his departure from the Guadalix house. ...
Ana Herminia Illas developed its curve of life during Tuesday night in GH Duoin the same week where was nominated ...
Angel Christ Jr has sat on the set Friday! to try clarify and deny some of the statements that his ...
Ana Herminia Illascontestant of GH Duo and wife of Angel Christ (son of Barbara Rey) made a strong accusation in ...
Barbara Rey He was on the verge of tears during his interview on Telecinco when he remembered that his mother ...
Barbara Rey He spoke openly about the relationship he had with the circus tamer, Angel Christwith whom she had her ...
Barbara Rey decided to respond to all the accusations that her son, Ángel Cristo, made about her throughout the year ...
Barbara Rey sat down again on the Telecinco set a week after revealing the whole truth about her relationship with ...
Ana Herminia Illaswoman of Angel Christ and, therefore, daughter-in-law of Barbara Reyconfirmed during Monday night his stake in the next ...
Bárbara Rey has been one of the great protagonists of the week. His interview on the program Friday has served ...