The latest report on linguistic discrimination published by Plataforma per la Llengua and other pro-Catalan cultural entities continues to break down different cases of alleged language violation by use Spanish and deny public services in Valencian. Some of them occurred in the healthcare field, where they report that several doctors declined to treat patients for not changing languages during the consultation.
One of the most striking events reported by the ‘Catalan NGO’ took place in a health center in the Valencian town of Ontinyentwhere a patient was not treated, according to his version, for speaking in Valencian, while his family doctor asked him for the conversation to be in Spanish.
According to Platform’s story, the doctor sent the user away from the consultation shouting the following phrase that he quotes in the report: “I speak Spanish and in my consultation only Spanish». He points out that he repeated it on several occasions and that he even denied him the right to reply when the patient wanted to argue the possibility of speaking in Valencian, ultimately leaving him without a medical consultation.
In this way, the linguistic association considers it a “very serious attack that in 2024 care in Valencian will continue to be denied in the healthcare field”, since “it is public care that must ensure the rights of patients, including those that are found, linguistic rights exist.
In this regard, it recalls the heat of other published complaints that denying care to a patient for linguistic reasons is a “violation classified as a sanction.” In this sense, remember that patients must be guaranteed the right to express oneself in Valencian.
As established in the sixth article of the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community, Valencian is the territory’s own language, being its official language, along with Spanish. In article 9 of the aforementioned norm, in addition, it is left in black and white that “Valencian citizens will have the right to address the Administration of the Valencian Community in any of its two official languages and receive a response in the same language used”, according to Platform insists.
The entities have presented this x-ray of the incidents related to the use of their own language, which, in this edition, includes a total of 150 cases. He ‘Report on complaints of linguistic rights to the Valencian Country 2024‘ is signed by Fundació Escola Valenciana, Plataforma per la Llengua, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, ACV Tirant lo Blanc, CCOO PV, Intersindical Valenciana, FE CCOO PV, BEA, SEPC, STEPV, Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC) , Platform for the Right to Decide, Societat Coral El Micalet, Federation of Institutes of Studies Comarcals, ACICOM and Union of Valencian Teaching Cooperatives (UCEV).
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