The good news of the truce in the war in the Gaza Strip caused quite general joy—almost all of us are already fed up with deaths, bombings and hostages—but unfortunately it is turning out to be quite hasty. The peace negotiations held for several weeks between the United States and Hamas, mediated by Egypt in Dakar, have surely moved forward, although claiming victory ahead of time.
It seems that the announcement of the six-week truce anticipated in Washington, still by the Democratic Administration in its final hours, largely responded to the interest of President Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in such an important success diplomat before handing over power to the unpredictable Donald Trump next Monday. But an agreement around a table is one thing and achieving peace in a war is another.
Israel and specifically Netanyahu, its prime minister, celebrate the release of the 33 hostages that Hamas holds in its power, but without accepting credible guarantees that Hamas and its godfather Iran will renounce continuing their armed obstinacy against Israel and its very existence as a sovereign country of a part of the territory that they consider belongs entirely to the Palestinians. AND There are many among Israelis who believe that their security comes first and support the intention to put an end to Hamas before withdrawing.
It largely responded to Biden’s interest in such an important diplomatic success before handing over power to the unpredictable Trump.
It is also no less true that Hamas – and always with the Iranian ayatollahs who support them – refuses to renounce his resort to violence and to face alone the reconstruction of the great material damage of destruction in a very limited territory, without resources and with nearly three million inhabitants, determined to maintain their independence from West Bank Palestine where the Government is located, based in the city of Ramallah, by Mahmoud Abbas, which represents to the world the recognition of a future unified State.
Gaza at war, governed by the terrorist group Hamas, It does not count, as has been seen these months, with the real support of its brothers from the other part of the divided territory and not only geographically, nor with the support of most of the other Arab countries, confronted with Iran that are experiencing a process of distancing themselves from Iran in exchange for establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, such as Morocco or the United Arab Emirates, and the rapprochements with others like Saudi Arabia.
Starting Monday, Washington will join these discrepancies when Donald Trump takes up residence in the White House. Nothing you do or have is unpredictable, but it seems quite likely that he will take the Israeli side with which he already expressed greater affinity in his previous mandatefour years ago. If his predecessor’s claim is not confirmed, he will immediately want to be the one to try to seize that success. In any case, the most important and desirable thing is that the census of victims in Gaza, as in the rest of the world, stops increasing.
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