Make a gift is an expression of keen which is done with the objective of strengthening a social bond. But it can also be, from the point of view of psychology, a form of emotional self-regulation because with generous acts you experience a feeling of satisfaction and of emotional well-being. In fact, selfless and generous behavior can help reinforce the sense of identity and even self-esteem.
Nor can we forget that gifts can be ways of communicating non-verbal messages about how the person to whom a gift is given is perceived. Thus, you can express admiration, gratitude, apologiesgood wishes or simply dear. Gifts, therefore, can be a symbolic way of communicating feelings or thoughts that are sometimes difficult to express in words.
Likewise, an exchange of gifts can strengthen the sense of belonging to a social group. It is interesting to note in this sense that, in general, there is an expectation of reciprocitymeaning that the person receiving a gift may feel social pressure to return the gesture, creating a cycle of exchange that strengthens relationships.
Those people who enjoy giving gifts the most are usually characterized by having traits of generosity and empathy pronounced, because they not only like to make others happy, but also experience satisfaction by contributing to the well-being of others. It is not in vain that the act of giving gifts is associated with the establishment and maintenance of emotional connections. And it is likely that these people deeply value interpersonal relationships.
As for people who prefer to receive gifts, they may need validation and recognition. Or it can even be a way to take care of yourself, allowing yourself to enjoy moments of pleasure and gratification. For some people, receiving gifts is an opportunity to have their tastes and preferences recognized by others. This may be related to the desire to express one’s own identity and feel understood.
In short, giving and receiving gifts provides these non-negligible psychological benefits: it strengthens social relationships, provides emotional well-being, allows you to communicate feelings, works as positive reinforcement, creates pleasant memories, relieves stress, increases self-esteem and cultivates gratitude.
And if, in addition, with the gifts you choose to give to another, you offer the possibility for that person to improve their physical, mental and emotional well-being, the equation is now complete.
We give you several ideas for this:
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