'At the bottom there is a place', a América Televisión series, is getting closer to starting its 11th season. Although its production or directors have not yet announced the official release date to the screens, they have already announced the new actors who will join They joined the project. One of them has attracted a lot of public attention, since he is a famous person who had previously been a participant in 'This is war'.
David Villanueva actor of Spanish nationality, returns to Peruvian screens through 'Al Fondo Hay Sitio'. His role is still a mystery, although he was accompanied by his compatriot, actress Alex Bejar. If you don't remember Villanueva's work, here we tell you who he is and what he did on national TV.
Who is David Villanueva, the new actor of 'AFHS'?
David Villanueva, a native of Osuna, Seville (Spain), has had a deep connection with the performing arts since his childhood. At the age of 6, he was already entertaining himself by imitating well-known television characters, a hobby that over time would evolve in his profession, both on television and radio.
On July 28, 2013, David arrived in Lima (Peru) with the determination to advance his acting career, regardless of the distance from his family and his country of origin. Over the course of five and a half years, his artistic development in the country has been notable and he has become the protagonist of several highly successful soap operas at the national level.
How did you start working on Peruvian television?
David Villanueva is the new member of 'There is room at the bottom'. He began his work on television as part of the 'This is War' program. However, his time in reality, despite being one of the figures most requested by the public, did not continue for long. However, leaving 'EEG' helped her relate more to his acting career.
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