Sare spokesperson, Joseba Azkarraga, has asked the Basque Penitentiary Administration to “not delay the third degrees” for ETA prisoners and allow them to serve their sentences “outside the prison walls.” Furthermore, he has assured that the Spanish Justice system cannot “take any longer” to apply the sentences to these inmates. During the demonstration that took place this Saturday in Bilbao to demand the rights of ETA prisoners under the motto “Definitely, resolution, peace, coexistence” to demand the rights of ETA prisoners, the representative of the citizen network was satisfied because “tens and tens of thousands of people have gathered in Bilbo demanding human rights and an end to the violation of those rights that apply to prisoners” of ETA.
In his opinion, the inmates of the armed gang “have already done enough,” and “solutions must be sought,” which “are not at odds with the necessary backing and support” for “all the victims of the violence that has occurred in this country.” For this reason, he has addressed “the Spanish Justice, fundamentally the National Court”, to remind them that “two months ago the law on the calculation of sentences, the general modification on the calculation” of sentences, was approved.

Azkarraga has warned that the National Court “cannot waste any more time” because “during the 10 years that this law has lasted, a lot of damage has been done” and more than 15 people “have suffered imprisonment for more than the allowed time.” “What they cannot do is continue to delay the application of this regulation approved in Parliament, because respect for the laws is also their responsibility, especially the judges, and it cannot take any longer,” he added.
In addition, he has appealed to the Basque Penitentiary Administration, which “has a considerable delay in the applications of progressions to the third penitentiary degree.” “Prisoners have the right to serve their sentences in ways that are different from that of closed prisons and that is included in the Basque penitentiary model approved by Parliament,” he argued.
For this reason, he has called on the Basque Government to “apply these measures to enforce sentences outside the prison walls, like any other prisoner of a different type does.” “It is also a demand for the Basque Penitentiary Administration to approve third degrees,” he pointed out, to remember that, at this time, some 49 ETA prisoners “could be” in that situation “due to the time served” of their sentence. “We are not asking for anything that is not included in the legislation and prison regulations themselves,” he added.
Finally, he assured that, with these objectives, Sare will again “convene people as many times as necessary”, because “it is not at odds with the necessary support” that he has conveyed to “all the victims of violence”.
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