The National Police is investigating a possible case of sexual assault of a 13-year-old student by a teacher at a religious charter school in Seville. According to the facts contained in the complaint to which this newspaper has had access, the Plastic Education teacher asked the minor to give him a kiss “while pointing to her lips” and, when she refused, “he returned.” to insist up to four times”, raising his voice in the last attempt in which he approached the minor and she was “forced to cover her mouth with the back of her hand”, feeling “terrified”.
Both were alone in “a small room attached to the classroom,” after the minor asked for toilet paper to clean the ink stain that had fallen on the desk during the activity they were doing in class. The teacher, according to the complaint filed by the minor’s mother on October 30, “tried to take her to the back” of that room and “ended up giving her a kiss on the cheek after her daughter turned her head.”
Upon returning to the classroom, several of the student’s classmates asked her “what had happened when she heard the teacher’s voices.” Then, advised by a friend, the minor went to the center’s head of studies to tell what had happened, and he reported the facts to the director, who then contacted the mother of the affected student. According to what the person in charge of the center tells this newspaper, an informative-sanctioning file was opened and the educational inspection service was notified “from the first moment” in which the event became known through the mouth of the student.
However, the director adds, the internal investigation has been “blocked” as the minor’s parents did not authorize her statement to be taken. The management is now awaiting the actions of judicial bodies, with which they claim to be collaborating, to clarify whether the events entail “legal or labor consequences.” The person in charge of the center emphasizes that, while the file was open, “measures were adopted to guarantee no contact, in any case, of the teacher with the minor”, following the protocol provided for these cases.
Considering the performance of the religious school insufficient, the mother has changed the minor’s school to avoid “a mental health problem” for her daughter, who was not going to class for two weeks after that episode, for “fear” of crossing paths with the teacher in the center. “I understand that the presumption of innocence must be respected, but it is an adult against a 13-year-old girl and that man continues teaching classes, surrounded by minors,” laments the mother who has reported the events and who criticizes that “when in doubt, “He’s still there and she’s not.” “It seems that she is the one who has to flee,” he deplores.
Testimony of the reported teacher
The complainant says that the Plastics teacher was her daughter’s “favorite” and he also showed a predilection for her, who has a lot of talent for drawing. The complaint states that “her daughter has always told her that the teacher used to be more affectionate with her than with the rest of the students, but that it was not something extraordinary.”
The minor’s story and the teacher’s testimony recorded in the center’s minutes – which this newspaper has also accessed – offer opposing versions that must be clarified by the judicial investigation that is underway. According to the accused, the 13-year-old student “had gotten angry the previous week because of a drawing exercise that did not go well.” In the next class (on Tuesday, October 29), a classmate spilled ink on her desk and the minor in question commented that the stain would not be removed, to which the teacher responded by grabbing her by the forearm and telling her to “come in.” to the sink to wash your hands with the soap that is there and, by the way, take it to clean the table.”
As reflected in the minutes, “this pool is located inside the small room where the Plastics teachers keep their materials, next to the door.” When they were both there, the teacher asked the student “if her anger from the previous week had gone away, to which she responded yes.” The teacher thus justifies asking him “to give him a kiss so he can forget the incident.” “She doesn’t respond, he approaches her to give her a hug and kisses her on the forehead,” concludes the reported teacher’s story.
In conversation with Andalucía, the mother reproaches the director of the center for asking her daughter “not to tell what happened to anyone.” And that the teacher continued teaching classes without anyone being able to guarantee that the minor was going to cross paths with him in the hallway. Hence, I have chosen to enroll her in another center, which she joined a few weeks ago.
“Feeling of discomfort”
From the story of the 13-year-old student, which her mother informed the National Police the day after the event, feelings of “discomfort” and “terror” emerge. In the first moment, in which the teacher gave paper to her daughter, still in class, the minor says that “he took her hand and intertwined her fingers with her daughter’s, causing her to feel uncomfortable, pushing her daughter away from her.” abrupt manner.”
It was when he saw that the ink stain had not completely disappeared from the desk that he went back to the teacher to tell him that he had not been able to clean it, to which the teacher responded that all the stains were “removed” and later “he grabbed it by the the arm and take her towards a quarter attached to the classroom, where he tried to take her to the back of it,” according to the complaint.
The girl “thought that the teacher was going to give her some product to remove the ink,” but “she could see how the bottle of stain remover was on a shelf that was located in the middle of the room” and, therefore, “she abruptly removed it.” the arm to the teacher” who had grabbed her. Immediately afterwards, the complaint continues, the teacher approached him and said “give me a kiss” while “pointing to his lips.” The mother records in the complaint that “her daughter refused and began to feel terrified.”
The accused “returned to insist that she give him a kiss on four occasions,” and in the last attempt “he raised his voice when demanding said action, and the minor was forced to cover her mouth with the back of her hand.” The complaint adds that the plastics teacher asked his daughter on two occasions “why she had not given him a kiss, to which the minor nodded her head, as if not knowing why, leaving the room and going to his desk.”
The investigation is open and next January a first court summons is scheduled for the minor to give a statement as “injured.” This step will help advance the case that investigates whether or not this is a new case of sexual assault on minors in the classroom context.
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