The kings have conveyed their “recognition” and their best wishes to those who will be in charge of ensuring security tonight and to those who will attend to all public services: “Thank you for the commendable work you do every day and, above all, on one as special as today.”
In a message published this Tuesday on the X account of the Royal House, the king and queen congratulated Christmas to “those who tonight are in charge of ensuring our safety and attending to all public services.”
This message has been published two hours before Felipe VI delivers his traditional speech tonight Christmas Eve, in which the DANA tragedy will surely occupy a prominent place in the balance of a year in which it has celebrated the tenth anniversary of its proclamation.
The king’s recorded message, which will be broadcast at 9:00 p.m. This Tuesday, it will foreseeably focus on the victims and damage caused by the floods of October 29 in Valencia and other areas that claimed more than 220 deaths, a tragedy that has been present in almost all the speeches that the monarch has given since then.
Our recognition and our best wishes to those of you tonight who are in charge of ensuring our safety and attending to all public services.
Thank you for the commendable work you do every day and, above all, on one as special as today.
Happy Christmas Eve.
— House of HM the King (@CasaReal) December 24, 2024
#kings #commendable #work #public #services #Christmas #Eve