WM-2006 process The FIFA was much more than one bank
At the end of the last day in the World Cup 2006 process, the presiding judge Eva-Marie Distler sounded quite ...
At the end of the last day in the World Cup 2006 process, the presiding judge Eva-Marie Distler sounded quite ...
At 10.13 a.m., a voice sounds out of nowhere in the jury of the Frankfurt Regional Court: "Hello, do you ...
Gaps in memory, frightened witnesses - and a sentence by Franz Beckenbauer who goes to the business. It is becoming ...
The accused Theo Zwanziger, 79, recorded an important success in the tax process around the 2006 World Cup. During and ...
The accused Theo Zwanziger, 79, recorded an important success in the tax process around the 2006 World Cup. During and ...
At 10.44 a.m., Wolfgang Niersbach enters room 9 of the Frankfurt Regional Court. The former President of the German Football ...
It is a one-time process in the 125-year history of the DFB: the association is in court against its former ...
The judge is getting more and more annoyed. She asks the witness, a long-time secretary of the German Football Association ...
The judge is getting more and more annoyed. She asks the witness, a long-time secretary of the German Football Association ...
When the witness questioning of former DFB President Fritz Keller, 67, ended after around two hours, there was no more ...