Jyväskylä|The plan to close the neighborhood school is rubbing off on Jyväskylä’s Tikkakoski.
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The city of Jyväskylä plans to close the Liinalammi school for cost-saving reasons.
School director Antti Korttinen and parents were surprised by the plans.
Mirja Hirvensalo, chairperson of the Culture Board, justifies the decision with financial reasons.
The final decision will be made by the city council at the end of November.
Jyväskylä The Liinalammi school in Tikkakoski is about to be closed, even though the school building was completed only ten years ago.
For the school’s teachers and students’ parents, the plans of the city of Jyväskylä came as a complete surprise, says the school principal, class teacher Antti Korttinen.
“Maybe there won’t be a neighborhood school next fall,” says Korttinen.
The board of education of the city of Jyväskylä decided on Wednesday to propose the closure of Liinalami and Kuohu schools as part of the growth and learning services planned Savings measures of 4.5 million euros.
Board of Education chairman Mirja Hirvensalo (sd) says that the pressure to save and reform is due to the fact that the number of children in the area has decreased and the city’s financial situation is weak.
The Jyväskylä city council will finally decide on the fate of the schools at the end of November.
Reported about it previously Keskisuomalainen-lehti.
Liinalammi school has 67 students this school year. In addition, the daycare school has children of kinder
garten age.
Linalammi school is a daycare school with places for about a hundred kindergarteners and about a hundred 1st-4th graders. for a class student. There are currently 67 students at the school, says Korttinen.
According to the plans, Liinalammi’s schoolchildren would be transferred to the larger Luonetjärvi elementary school from the fall of next year. Together with Tikkakoski middle school, the schools form the Tikkakoski unified school.
The actual savings would come from the fact that groups from Tikkakoski’s daycare center would move into the building instead of Liinalami schoolchildren. Therefore, the Tikkakoski daycare center would not need to be renovated.
Hirvensalo of the Board of Education says that the renovation of the kindergarten in question would have been a “million dollar project”.
Headmaster However, according to Korttise’s assessment, converting a daycare school into a daycare center would not be free either. In addition, a woodcraft class has been built in the school and musical instruments and smart boards have been purchased. According to Korttinen, not all of these relatively recent investments could be transferred to the new school.
“And then Jyväskylä wonders that the money has run out.”
According to Hirvensalo, the Culture Board, the presentation has taken into account the costs that would arise from the reform. However, they are “significantly smaller” than the renovation of the Tikkakoski kindergarten would be, says Hirvensalo.
School director Korttinen says that he proposed an alternative solution to school roulette to the city councilors who visited the school on Friday.
The Culture Board’s Hirvensalo says that he is open to other reasonable solutions, but that he stands behind the board’s proposal based on his current information.
In the drawing drawn in the school’s hallway, it is hoped that Liinalammi school would continue to operate.
Card according to the city’s plans, if implemented, would bring a big change to the everyday life of schoolchildren.
The trip to school for students in Liinalammi could be extended by more than three kilometers. It might take a first-grader an hour to cover the distance, Korttinen estimates.
In addition, the children like their current, modern school. They wonder why the newest school in the area is closed and the old one remains, says Korttinen.
Moving from a school with less than 70 children to a school with around 500 children could also bring social problems, says the school director.
According to him, the parents of students at Liinalammi school fe
el that they have not been sufficiently consulted in the city’s decision-making. They have made an address to save the school, which has collected more than a thousand signatures.
The Culture Board’s Hirvensalo says he understands the parents’ feelings. According to him, before the matter is finally discussed, events will be held where they will be heard. According to him, they still have a chance to influence.
“Participation is an important thing that needs to be taken into account,” says Hirvensalo.
LiInalami the school’s students have expressed their thoughts in drawings that have been displayed in the corridors. They ask for the local school to be saved.
“It’s been an autumn like this, in which we learn how a student can influence common issues,” says school principal Korttinen.
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