This Saturday, the doctors reassured Anabel Pantoja and David Rodriguez with hopeful news. As reported by the magazine ‘Hello!’, those closest to the couple assured that from the Maternal and Child Hospital of Gran Canaria they have conveyed that “Everything is going better and faster than expected” regarding the little girl’s health. Soulwhich has been admitted for more than a week. With the good news, the media indicated that the couple is now calmer and willing to face the waiting time for their daughter to recover from the reason that led to her admission and about which the family prefers not to comment at the moment.
These days, family and friends of Anabel and David were traveling to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to support and be by the little girl’s parents to tell them that everything was going to be fine. Isabel Pantojaone of the first to travel to the island after learning of the health status of her niece’s daughter, was seen just a few hours after hearing the news. The tonadillera and her brother Agustín Pantoja They settled in a hotel near the hospital and went in and out of it trying to avoid the press at night and early in the morning.
In the last few hours, the media has echoed the singer’s recent departure from Gran Canaria to return to Madrid due to the baby’s improvement. After a week of continuing to be by Anabel Pantoja’s side, the tonadillera took a plane back to the capital this Saturday to continue with her rest and professional commitments. As they shared from the ‘Fiesta’ program, the artist left the Santa Catalina Hotel to get on a commercial flight with the discretion that characterizes her and, once at the Madrid airport, Isabel and Agustín got into a van with the Tinted windows to go unnoticed.
Knowing the concern with which Isabel has experienced the little one’s admission in recent days, the fact that she has made the decision to temporarily return to the city where she recently settled after leaving Cantora indicates that Alma is truly evolving positively. There has not been a day that Isabel has not gone to visit her niece in the hospital, and that she has made the decision to separate from her for a few days “it is the clearest proof that the baby is evolving,” her entourage has assured. Hello!’.
This week, the collaborators of the television programs that have discussed the news assured that the singer’s intention was to stop supporting her niece when the reasons for the admission calmed down. And his return would show that things are somewhat calmer. Unlike her children, who visited their cousin for a short time, they have made it clear that Isabel intends to return to the island in a few days. Now, the one who has traveled again to protect Anabel, as she claims, is her friend Belén Esteban. A few days ago in his ‘TEN’ program he admitted that he was planning to fly again to visit Pantoja again and so he did. In the last hours, the cameras captured her at the doors of the hospital like several days ago when she traveled for the first time.
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