How did the family react to the news?
L’ex pilot Formula One has finally found the courage to come out and introduce everyone to his life partner. Now he is finally free to live his love in the light of day, but how did his ex-wife and son take this news?
Here’s what we found out about this story.
Former Pilot Comes Out: Here’s Who He’s With
Finding the strength to open up to the world is not always as easy as it may seem at first glance. However, when you find the courage to break down every obstacle obstacle and being yourself everything is clearer and more beautiful. The Brother smaller than Michael Schumacherwho decided to do coming out just a few hours ago.

We are talking about Ralph Schumacherwho has finally decided to reveal to the world his great Love for the companion Etienne. This relationship was kept secret for a long time, also because before Etienne Ralph was happily married And father of a son.
Some time after the end of his relationship, however, Ralph found the courage to reveal himself to everyone, finally breaking down this invisible wall that did not allow him to be free. The former Formula One driver has therefore decided to publish a post where he admits the existence of a story kept hidden for at least two years.
Needless to say, people have welcomed this very well. confession unexpected. In the comments, hundreds of good wishes have arrived for the man and his partner, including those of prominent personalities from the world of television and entertainment.
The reaction of the son’s ex-wife
One of the comments received by the former pilot is precisely that of the presenter Carmen Geiss, who declared herself extremely happy upon hearing the news. The woman then defined this choice as a real step forward. A act of liberation and acceptance that will allow him to be himself to the fullest.

Obviously this statement also made Ralph’s son very happy, namely David Schumacher, who, like the greats of his family, has decided to dedicate himself to the racing sector. His words were extremely touching.
I am so happy that you have finally found someone you feel truly comfortable and secure with, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. I am 100% on your side dad and wish you all the best and congratulations.
We don’t know how the ex-wife reacted Corawho was a couple with Ralph until 2015, when their breakup occurred divorce. She has not expressed her opinion on the matter, but we are sure that she will be happy with the happiness achieved by her ex-husband.
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