It is one of the most annoying sensations you can have at the digestive level. Even more so if it happens to us after one of the social events that accumulate these weeks where copious meals abound. When reflux turns into disease (GERD)symptoms recur frequently and severe complications may arise. In Spain we have various dietary options to reduce it that can be reinforced with the consumption of probiotics.
Heartburn and regurgitation These are the signs that identify gastric reflux. When it is a specific alteration, they will disappear after a few days, probably after changing the diet and lifestyle that may be causing said disorder. If it continues over time, it is advisable to go to a doctor because it may the lower esophageal sphincter has weakened or relaxed excessively, thus preventing the recovery of the normal digestive process.
What is the action of the probiotic

Probiotics are supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the microbiotathe bacterial community that lives in the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, oral cavity, nasopharynx duct, respiratory tract and skin, among other areas of the body.
Among the priority actions of a probiotic is facilitate digestion, protect the body from harmful bacteria and precisely relieve gastric reflux. Although they are products that are purchased without a prescription, it is advisable to ask a doctor if they are ingested. It may affect some pathology or interfere with the action of some medication..
Expert voices assure that the best probiotics are those that contain strains of bacteria Bifidobacterium Infantis and others of the kind bifids and lactobacilliwhich we can find in some yogurts and specific products such as kefir or kimchi.
Can gastric reflux be avoided?
Christmas is the perfect context for gastric reflux to make its star appearance.: binge eating, alcohol, sugar and excess fat. Foods and drinks whose intake is a direct ticket to suffering an episode of these characteristics. These are days when we skip our usual diet in every wayfrom the type of food to the times or the amount of food. That without adding that alcohol is especially present. In this sense, the biggest enemies of digestive health would be:
- Spicy foods.
- Fatty foods.
- Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea.
- Fizzy drinks.
- Alcoholic beverages.
Furthermore, it must be taken into account certain habits that intervene when the digestive process beginsthat is, they affect from the moment we start eating and drinking: a lot of food eaten very quickly, swallowing instead of chewing calmly, or wearing tight clothing that bothers the stomach to perform its functions normally.
Mayo Clinic (sf). Probiotics and prebiotics.
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