The financing for the Deutschlandticket next year is in place. The Bundestag passed the regionalization law with a large majority, which allows the states to carry over 350 million euros in previously unused funds into the next year. The SPD, Greens, Union, FDP and Left voted for the law. The AfD abstained, the BSW was absent from the vote. The Federal Council also approved the law at midday.
What will happen to the ticket after 2025 remains to be seen. Federal funding is only committed for the coming year. The federal government gives a subsidy of 1.5 billion euros per year to compensate for loss of income for transport companies – the states also give a total of 1.5 billion euros. The ticket currently costs 49 euros per month; from January 2025, according to a decision by the state transport ministers, it will be 58 euros.
Further decisions in the Federal Council
The Federal Council, which met on Friday parallel to the Bundestag, also had the green light for a higher rate on Friday Child benefit given. A proposal already approved by the Bundestag stipulates that child benefit will increase by five euros to 255 euros from January. The tax allowance for children and the immediate child allowance for families with low incomes should also be increased slightly.
The state chamber also prevented a tax increase due to inflation. To this so-called cold progression To avoid this, key values in the tax rate are shifted.
On Thursday, the Federal Council also approved an amendment to the Basic Law that… Federal Constitutional Court should protect against influence and blockage. For example, the number of senates and judges as well as their terms of office are stipulated. Except for Brandenburg, which abstained, all federal states voted yes.
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