The traffic fines They fulfill a double objective. On the one hand, they aim to raise awareness among the population about the importance of respecting the rules in order to reduce the number of accidents that occur on the road. In addition, they represent an important source of revenue for the State.
Traffic fines can vary depending on the severity of the violation and the laws of the country or region in question. In this way, there are territories with very different rules that regulate this type of sanctions.
An example is Finland. The Nordic country maintains a very different policy from Spain, since the amount of money imposed in traffic fines does not always correspond to the seriousness of the violation.
This is how he explained it Annaa Spanish woman who has lived in the Nordic country for years. «Surely you know that in Finland traffic fines are on another level», he begins by saying in a video published on his account. TikTok (@Anna.matea).
This is how traffic fines work in Finland
Anna explains that there are two types of fines in Finland. On the one hand, the so-called “fixed rate”, which works based on the seriousness of the infraction. Furthermore, there are the “proportional” fineswhich are calculated depending on the offender’s salary.
The content creator includes a video clip in which a man explains that he has been sanctioned with 964 euros. “This boy has been fined almost 1,000 euros and if they have been fined it is because he can pay it,” he points out.
The Spanish woman explains what the sanctioning process is like in Finland, where the first thing the officers ask for when arresting the offender is their driving licensesomething that happens the same in Spain. However, the surprise comes later.
With the driver’s license “they have access to your previous year’s income tax return», he points out. In this way, agents access information about the individual’s salary: «They know how much you charge and this is how they will calculate the fine.
Furthermore, the penalty is calculated by daysAnna says: «It depends on the infraction, there are more or less days of fine. “The more days, the more you will pay.” Thus, the offender must deliver the equivalent of one day of his salary for each day of fine assigned.
The ultimate goal, Anna says, “is to ensure that the impact of the fine is proportional for everyone, regardless of income. “For someone with a high salary, the fine will be greater than for someone with a lower income, but in both cases, the sanction will have a similar weight in their economy…”, he assures.
@anna.matea A daily fine is a system for calculating financial penalties, commonly used in traffic violations, which is based on the offender’s daily income. This method works as if the person had to deliver the equivalent of one day of their salary for each day of fine assigned. The goal is to ensure that the impact of the fine is proportional to everyone, regardless of their income. For example, for someone with a high salary, the fine will be greater than for someone with a lower income, but in both cases, the penalty will have a similar weight on their finances. The % will be the same in both cases but the amount will depend on each person’s income. The fixed fine is €115 up to 20km/h and from 21km/h is when the amount changes. We will agree that regardless of the amount, we must all respect the traffic rules in order to be safer behind the wheel #finlandiaenespañol #Finland #Spanish #españolasporelmundo #adventuresinfinland #liveinfinland #lifeinfinland #finlandcuriosities #curiositiesfinland #liveforeign #fine ♬ Amelie – ORZVK
The content creator highlights another curious fact in the sanction process in Finland. «When they stop you on the spot and they already know that they are going to fine you, They ask you if you are marriedthey want to know what your spouse’s salary is and, if you have minors in your care, the fine is reduced,” he explains.
As Anna points out, Finland’s system of traffic fines for pay also exists in other countries that belong to the European Union. Furthermore, the content creator dares to give her opinion: «I don’t usually give my opinion, but this time I’m going to take a risk and say that It seems like a very fair system to me.».
A fair or unfair system?
Anna’s video has generated a wave of comments between those who consider that this system of fines is fair and those who believe that, on the contrary, it is not. Some users agree with the content creator: «It seems fairer to me than in Spain»“It seems good to me, I knew this information, and I always thought it would be better”, “I see it as correct.”
However, some people believe that this is not a fair system. «It’s unfairthe traffic rules are the same for everyone, so are the rates, if you respect them there is no problem”, “I don’t see it as fair, crime is always a crime, whether you have money or not”, “For the same mistake, different punishment?” ? It doesn’t seem fair to me…” The debate is served.
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