Parma, 15-year-old found dead in friend’s house, first results of autopsy performed on body in
A truly important turning point has arrived in the last few hours in the heartbreaking story of the 15 year old who was found lifeless at home by a friend on the morning of August 12. The autopsy gave important confirmation to what the investigators thought.
Obviously the case is not closed yet, as the agents are currently trying to understand which people he frequented the victim and also what could have happened to her. However, they immediately excluded the possibility of a crime.
According to initial information released by some local media, the tragedy occurred during the night between on August 11th and 12thThe young woman was at a friend’s house, which is located in the neighborhood Ljubljanain the city of Parma. The two had perhaps spent the evening together and then returned to the house to sleep.

However, when the boy woke up the next morning, he soon realized that the 15-year-old he wasn’t breathing anymore. From here the alarm was raised to the police and also to the paramedics, who quickly arrived on the scene, hoping to be able to do something to save her life, but despite their resuscitation maneuvers, in the end they had no other choice than to note her death.
The first results of the autopsy performed on the body of the 15-year-old have arrived
From an initial external examination of the body, the coroner immediately excluded the possibility of crime. This is because he found no obvious signs that could suggest the involvement of third parties.
The turning point came in the last few days, since from the toxicology testsit has emerged that the girl lost her life due to an overdose. According to some local newspapers, the girl died after taking Mdaan amphetamine that can be sold in crystal form and then diluted in alcohol or water.

For this reason the investigations are not yet concluded, as the agents are now investigating to try to understand who may have sold that narcotic substance to the minor. It will therefore be important to reconstruct his last hours before his death.
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