Road accident takes young Kayo from his life.
A young football promise, a boy of usual 14 years, lost his life today following a car accident while he was in Spain with his family. The young man who died Kayo Mesquita Sousa, who was involved in the impact.
Here’s what happened.
Accident in Spain: Kayo dies at 14
He was only 14 years old Kayo Mesquita Sousa, a boy who lived in Leinì in the province of Turin and who was in Spain to spend the summer holidays with his family. The boy was travelling in the family car when, unfortunately, he was involved in a road accident on the Mediterranean highway.

The impact, which occurred near Moncofaproved fatal as there was nothing more that could be done for the young boy. The two were also travelling with him little brothers of 7 and 10 years old. They too would have remained injured in the accident. They are currently hospitalized in the hospitals in the area and although the prognosis remains reserved, they do not appear to be in danger of life. The impact was very great, as in addition to their car, other vehicles were injured 14 people.
In memory of the young football promise
Kayo he was a smiling and sunny boy, full of dreams and hopes for the future. His origins were Brazilian but he lived with his father in Leinì where he played for the team of ASD Mappanese. His talent has often led him to be defined as a football promisewhich is why his path would certainly have been full of satisfactions.

Obviously the news of his disappearance has devastated not only his teammates, but also the Municipality of Leinì. A few hours ago, therefore, he left an initiative aimed at raising funds to support the family. We await further news, hoping that the two little ones involved in the accident can recover and heal as soon as possible.
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