Threats and eggs with paint for a police officer infiltrated in the independence movement: “You will not sleep peacefully”

“Infiltration is IJEG torture, we will return them all to you.” With this graffiti, the Maó National Police station has dawned, directed at the Menorcan agent who had infiltrated for years in social and independence movements in Barcelona, ​​as Balearic public television IB3 has announced and has been able to confirm.

The protest action, demanded by the Arran collective, has appeared just days after the premiere of the documentary ‘Infiltrados’ on TV3, a journalistic investigative work carried out by the Catalan magazine The Direct during the last three years and which has uncovered the infiltration of the four police officers, three of them from the Balearic Islands, into pro-independence organizations.

One of them is the 29-year-old from Mahón who posed as Mallorcan for his false identity, in which he went by the alias Marc Hernàndez Pons. The left-wing youth organization has also thrown eggs with purple paint at the façade of the Maó police stations, as the National Police of Menorca has reported to, and has launched a final threat to the infiltrator from its profile on the social network X: “You will not sleep peacefully.”

Many of the inhabitants of the Menorcan city already knew of his status as an infiltrator two or three years ago, when the agent returned to the island after his infiltration. The fictitious name of Marc Hernàndez Pons was given to him at the end of 2019 and just a few months later he managed to link up with the Catalan independence movement, according to La Directa, in charge of the investigation. The double agent became another member of the SEPC (Sindicat d’ Estudiantes dels Països Catalans), the Casal Popular Lina Òdena de l’Esquerra de l’Eixample and the Barcelona housing rights movement ‘Resistim al Gòtic’.

The police officer has been directly identified with the graffiti at the Maó National Police station through the initials of his real name. The action, they have confirmed from Arran, has been coordinated by the national organization of the group linked to the CUP. Although it is unknown, at the moment, whether the activists have traveled from Mallorca or Barcelona to attack the police station, since the movement does not have a permanent presence in Menorca. There has also been no coordination between the activists and the political organization Jovent Republicà, as the group dependent on Esquerra Republicana itself has confirmed to this newspaper.

“It is obviously very embarrassing that this kid can go wild through Maó and that he has returned from Barcelona. I am aware that in these two or three years, since his return, he has had some scuffles with people who have recognized him,” point out the same sources from the leftist organization. Some militants, in fact, have “rebuked” him by agreeing with him on the issue and, according to their version, he has become aggressive. While his close circle has congratulated him for his “great work” as an undercover police officer.

Sexual affection: part of the ‘modus operandi’

Unlike other agents who have spent years (they even enrolled in public universities with the aim of entering social movements) infiltrated, IJEG did not maintain, at least that has been made public, any sexual-affective relationship with any of them. the activists with whom he surrounded himself to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by his superiors. In fact, all the agents, during their actions as infiltrators, have had the “coverage” of the Ministry of the Interior. Two other of the four police officers infiltrated and uncovered in the documentary broadcast by TV3 after the La Directa investigation did maintain stable relationships with militants of the organizations in which they also militated covertly to gather information.

In the case of the Menorcan, although none of these relationships are attributed to him, sources close to the activism point out that “it would have been normal” taking into account the “young and partying” environment, they speculate. One of the most criticized aspects of the officials’ espionage has been the ‘modus operandi’, which included sexual relationships as one of the strategies within the movements and organizations to which they joined.

The practice has been denounced by five activists from Barcelona who had sexual relations with undercover police officers without knowing their status as agents. The five women, represented by the CGT and the human rights organization Irídia, have filed a complaint before a Barcelona court alleging that they have suffered sexual abuse that the judge refuses to investigate. Therefore, those affected will appeal the judge’s decision before the Barcelona Court, as already reported. Among other things, the actions of undercover police officers, unlike those of undercover agents, are not subject to judicial control.

For Irídia, the relationships that the police officer maintained with the complainants were not “casual,” but “strategic and deliberate” on the part of a public official, who also had the support of the “institutional system.” The entity has also considered that this type of infiltration can only be carried out within the framework of judicial investigations related to cases of terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, “circumstances that do not exist” in the complaint of the five women.

Possible arrest of activists

The National Police of Maó has proposed sanctioning several suspects for the “damage caused” to the façade of the Menorcan police station as a symbol of protest against the infiltration of police officials into left-wing Catalan movements. The Arran movement acted at dawn by throwing objects with paint on the building. Maó agents responded immediately to prevent the activists from continuing to damage the infrastructure, as sources from the National Police have indicated to

The members of the pro-independence group began to run when the agents arrived, who caught up with them near a parked vehicle in which there were other people. Just at the moment when they were preparing to leave the place. The patrol seized the material used to carry out the protest graffiti from the alleged perpetrators of the act of vandalism and identified them to file a complaint for administrative violation of Organic Law 4/2015 on the protection of citizen security. This means that the activists could face a fine of more than 500 euros, police sources report.

The security force continues to investigate the events and it is not ruled out that there may be arrests due to their commission. Likewise, the judicial union Jupol has condemned the act of vandalism against the police station: “Our most resounding condemnation of these terrorist acts against the National Police,” they stated in a message on the social network

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