Jaume Collboni’s PSC would win the elections in Barcelona City Council, according to the municipal barometer presented this Monday. The survey places the socialists as first political force with a voting intention of 14.4%, about 2.8 percentage points less than in the last one, presented in July, and ahead of BComú with 5.7 points.
These are data that were announced this Monday by the fourth deputy mayor, Jordi Valls, accompanied by the director of the Barcelona Municipal Data Office, Màrius Boada. The survey, which was conducted between November 25 and December 4, places the commons as the second forcewith 8.7% voting intention.
Behind is Esquerra Republicana with 5.8% and very close behind is Junts, with 5.7%. On the other hand, the CUP, which currently has no representationwould have 3.8% in voting intention, the PP 2.4% and Vox, 1.1%.
Collboni, the best known
According to the responses, the mayor is the best-known municipal leader among Barcelonans, since more than 80% of those interviewed know who he is. On the contrary, 17.1% do not recognize him. A figure that increases in the case of other politicians in the Catalan capital. Specifically, 55% of citizens do not know Daniel Sirera (PP), while 56.2% of Elisenda Alamany (ERC) and 63.9% of Janet Sanz (BComú) do not know him.
However, the worst results have been obtained by Jordi Martí Galbis (Junts), who replaced Xavier Trias in the council. In his case, 80% of those interviewed do not know who he is, while 84.5% do not recognize Gonzalo de Oro-Pulido (Vox).
(There will be an extension…)
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