Surely you have tried thousands of remedies to make menstruation pain disappear, or at least, reduce it. If you are reading this, it means that no advice has really helped you or as you expected. Have you tried starting to exercise? And I’m not talking about starting to run a marathon or going to the gym every day to lift weights. I’m talking to you about a simple very well-known position in Spainwhich you can do from home and which promises to put an end to permanent discomfort in the ovarian area. In addition, it has other great benefits, such as varicose vein preventionsomething that usually appears over time after the age of 50, when blood pressure changes, one of the most characteristic symptoms of menopause.
The bridge pose has been crowned as the solution for menstrual pains. Surely you have seen something about it on social networks, but we will tell you what exactly it consists of and what other advantages we can experiment by doing it. To do this, you will only need a mat (optional), and a flat surface where you can rest your hands and legs. Don’t worry, it is not a complicated exercise, and when you start to notice the effect it has on your body, you will surely not be able to stop doing it.
What is the bridge position in yoga?

When you hear the bridge pose, the typical image of placing your hands and feet on the ground may come to mind, so that your body is in the shape of an “o.” But the truth is that this is not the case, it is a position in which your feet rest on the ground and your torso rises. The specialists of the Mayo Clinic They have highlighted some steps to carry out when doing this posture.
Start with lie face up and keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands close to your trunk, palms facing down, on the ground.
Once you have achieved this positioninhale and push your hips up. It is important that you keep your head, neck and shoulders supported on the floor or mat. Next, place your hands on your back, pointing your finger toward the lower back and keeping your thumbs at your sides. Finally, take a deep breath.
for one more advanced optionexperts recommend bringing your feet out a little more while in the bridge position. Hold the posture for 30 seconds. Next, bring your feet back and then move your arms to the sides on the floor. Finally, lower your hips.
What benefits does the bridge pose have?

As mentioned, the bridge posture has great powers in the menstruationalthough also in other aspects such as the prevention of varicose veins. Yoga instructor Alejandra Gutiérrez has expressed through her Instagram profile that the Bridge or Half Bridge Posture (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) is one of the “most versatile and health-benefiting” yoga asanas, she adds.
The professional recommends this asana for urinary disordersuterine displacements, menstrual disorders and hemorrhoids. Likewise, he emphasizes that it is of valuable help in relieving epilepsy, decreased vitality and anemia.
We know that the pain during menstruation They can be unbearable depending on the person. In this scenario, experts recommend implementing the bridge posture on a daily basis.
We talk about a simple inverted poseperfect for beginners. As the expert points out, it can serve as a warm-up posture for more inverted postures such as the full bridge or Urdhva Dhanurasana or to gently end a yoga practice. Among the advantages it offers, he points out the following:
- Release headaches.
- Helps gently release and stretch the neck or cervical area.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs.
- Improves digestion.
- Improves circulation in the sexual organs.
- Tones the pelvic muscles.
- Opens the hip flexor muscles.
- Improves sleep and reduces insomnia: this is very important when we talk about menopause, since during this stage hot flashes or night sweats worsen the quality of sleep.
- Calms anxiety and reduces stress: a condition more present in women than in men, in part, due to the hormonal changes that can be experienced during pregnancy or menopause.
- Opens the chest and increases lung capacity
This asana undoubtedly has great power in circulation, as the instructors have shown on social networks. For this same reason, the bridge pose can be effective for prevention of varicose veins.
The Vascular Diseases Clinic of Mexico ensures that postures such as “legs against the wall” or “bridge pose” are ideal for stimulate blood flow. This prevents lumps from forming in the veins, giving rise to varicose veins. Other tips that the clinic mentions to prevent varicose veins include walking daily, at least 30 minutes; elevate your legs (15 minutes a day); or bike.
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