Who are the top-rated professionals in each medical specialty in Spain? At ABC Salud we will discover, week by week, the most renowned doctors from each branch of medicine, chosen by their own professional colleagues, according to the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS) prepared by Merco, to which this newspaper has had first access.
In the first installment of this series, we met the 10 best Spanish cardiologists chosen by other heart specialists. Then came the top 10 best specialists in the Digestive System, according to the criteria of other gastroenterologists. Now it’s the turn of the most valued specialists in Dermatology.
The MRS has been evaluating the reputation of the main actors in Spanish healthcare for more than 10 years (best public and private hospitals, services, pharmaceutical companies…). On this occasion, it completes the report with the second edition of the ranking of the best doctors.
Within the same MRS questionnaire, it is the specialists themselves (6,060 doctors) and more than 100 managers of pharmaceutical companies, who choose the colleagues who, according to their criteria, are the best healthcare professionals in 32 medical specialties.
The monitoring and verification of its preparation process and results is the subject of an independent review by KPMG, according to the ISAE 3000 standard, which publishes its opinion for each edition. All weighting criteria are public. Due to its ethical values and methodology, it is the reference ranking for doctors and scientific societies.
The ten most valued in Dermatology
Dermatologists are doctors specialized in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin problems, the largest organ we have in our body, which protects us from external factors, regulates our body temperature, and is responsible for synthesizing vitamin D and acts as a first shield against possible infections. They are also the doctors who know the most about hair and nails. Among the most common pathologies they treat are acne, eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, rosacea, skin cancer, herpes, warts, fungal infections or alopecia, among others.
This is the top 10 most valued by their specialty colleagues:
1.-Raúl de Lucas. La Paz University Hospital.
Head of Pediatric Dermatology Section at Hospital La Paz and dermatologist at Dermasalud y Láser Médica Segovia.
2.-Pedro Jaén. Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.
Head of the Dermatology service at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital and founder of the Pedro Jaén Group.
3.-Sergio Vañó Galván. Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.
Dermatologist, trichologist and hair surgeon, director of the Trichology Unit at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital and the Trichology and Hair Transplant Unit at Grupo Pedro Jaén.
4.-Susana Puig Sardá. Hospital Clinic Barcelona.
Head of the Dermatology Service at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, specialist in Dermatology at barnaclínic+, leader of the ‘Melanoma: Image, Genetics and Immunology’ research group at IDIBAPS and professor at the University of Barcelona.
5.-Antonio Torrelo. Niño Jesús University Children’s Hospital.
Head of Dermatology Service at Niño Jesús University Children’s Hospital.
6.-Luis Requena Caballero. Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital.
Head of the Dermatology Service at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital and full professor of Dermatology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
7.-Onofre Sanmartín. Valencian Institute of Oncology.
Head of Dermatology at the Foundation of the Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO) and university associate professor of Dermatology at the University of Valencia.
8.-José Manuel Mascaró. Hospital Clinic Barcelona.
Consultant of the Dermatology service of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and barnaclínic+, professor of Dermatology at the University of Barcelona.
9.-Pedro Herranz Pinto. La Paz University Hospital.
Head of the Dermatology service at the La Paz University Hospital, director of Láser Médica Segovia, medical director of Hbn39 medical specialties and associate professor of Dermatology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
10.-Ricardo Ruiz Villaverde. San Cecilio Clinical Hospital.
Head of Dermatology Service at San Cecilio University Hospital.
#Spanish #dermatologists #chosen #skin #specialists