The Plurinational Parliamentary Group of Sumar in Congress has registered this week a non-law proposal to protect people from the LGTBIQ+ group, just a few days after the PSOE decided in its 41st Federal Congress to eliminate the “Q+” from the acronym within of the organization.
The group’s spokesperson, Verónica Martínez Barberopresented the initiative this Thursday in the Lower House, although the official registration took place last Tuesday. Specifically, the NLP urges the Government to do three things.
The first, to “recognize and respect sex-gender diversity and consequently to continue working to protect all the people who make up the LGTBIQ+ group.”
The text also urges the Executive to “promote the necessary legislative initiatives aimed at guaranteeing the rights of the LGTBIQ+ group.” Finally, you are asked to “reject and cwave any hate speech discharged from public or institutional tribunes, as well as adopting sanctioning measures against public officials who engage in discriminatory or intolerant acts.”
The text denounces the existence of a “debate that, under the guise of a semantic discussion about acronyms, seeks to make non-normative identities invisible like queer ones or those represented by the + sign.
“Dangerous normalization of reactionary speeches”
This appeal is made after the socialists have approved in their congress to eliminate precisely the letter Q and the + sign within their organization. NLP warns that “we are not facing a simple question of nomenclature, but rather a deliberate attempt to fragment and weaken to one of the bravest and most diverse social movements in our society.
Martínez Barbero: “The positioning of the PSOE in its congress is very dangerous”
“In this sense,” the text continues, “it is unacceptable that certain political sectors try to strip the LGTBIQ+ group of its diversity, labeling it as “unnecessary” or “exaggerated.” These attempts at simplification are not only deeply disrespectful, but also reveal a dangerous normalization of reactionary speeches who seek exclusion. The feminist movement is and will always be an inclusive movement.”
Sumar’s spokesperson in Congress recalled that the PSOE also sought to limit the female sports practice to people of “female biological sex.”
“At Sumar we consider the position of the PSOE in its last congress very dangerous. Using the excuse of sport to deny rights represents an unnecessary setback and gives wings to the extreme right. We repeat to the PSOE that trans women are women when they vote, when they pay taxes and when they play sports,” he defended.
“With Sumar in the Government there will be no cuts in rights, we already saw it with the flexible cancellations. The existence of LGTBIQ+ people is not something negotiable, it is not an ideology. It is a fact, they are lives,” the spokesperson concluded.
The initiative will be debated and voted on in plenaryand the socialists, like the rest of the parliamentary groups, will have to decide whether to support it or not.
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