A contestant felt unwell, marking day 9 of Big Brother, which began on September 16, 2024.
We haven’t even reached the tenth day of the 2024 edition and some collapses are coming for some particularly fragile competitors. In the house of the Big Brotherin fact, the first ones are starting to make themselves felt signs of tiredness. Someone even felt ill and needed assistance.
A competitor felt unwell and scored already on day 8 of the Big Brotherwhich started on September 16, 2024. We are talking about Pamela Petraroloa contestant on Italy’s most famous reality show, who felt a little unwell after lunch yesterday. Luckily, it was a temporary episode that resolved itself quickly.
The contestant was immediately assisted by the other participants, who were worried about her health after the meal. malaise of the contestant appears to have been caused not by what she had eaten, highly unlikely, but by a massage that Shaila Gatta had just given her.
Pamela, who participates in the Big Brother together with Ilaria Galassi and Eleonora Cecere, practically as if they were a single competitor, he accepted the relaxing massage offered by Shaila after eating. However, within a short time of the massage, Pamela began to feel uncomfortable, complaining of a feeling of nausea: “I can feel the chicken and rice rising up,” she said.

It took just a few minutes and, within a few minutes, Pamela had a slight fainting. The other tenants rushed to help her, lifting her legs and trying to calm her down. Helena Prestes invited the others to give Pamela some space to allow her to breathe better. Eleonora Cecere, who had also recently suffered from an illness at the Big Brotherlifted her friend’s legs to make it easier for her friend to recover.
Shaila Gatta took her hand trying to calm her down and help her calm her breathing. Enzo Paolo Turchi spoke to her in a reassuring tone. Luca Calvani showed worrysuggesting that Pamela go to the bathroom to cool down. The discomfort could also have been linked to the sudden drop in temperature. In short, going beyond the cause and a few too many “movements”, fortunately, the situation resolved itself quickly and Pamela recovered.
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