Reader’s Opinion | The start of school is always postponed for a good reason

Starting school is difficult when a child notices that he cannot keep up with others in learning.

Thanks For Rosa Kostamo expert opinion (HS Opinion 8.9.) to the reform being prepared, which would prevent the start of school from being moved.

During my long working career (41 years) as a primary school elementary school class teacher and a wide-ranging special education teacher, I often encountered a situation where a child started school without sufficient learning abilities. Primarily, the child would have still wished to be able to play and draw. It was difficult to concentrate, and despite the support measures, it was impossible to cope with the learning challenges. The child got frustrated and tired with his tasks.

We often ended up repeating the first grade when the learning goals were not achieved. Consequently, the child had to be left out of his own age group.

A significantly more reasonable and gentler option would have been to repeat the school year before the start of school, in which case the child would have started school a year later with his own school group. In this way, skills and development would have had time to develop sufficiently and self-esteem would have been strengthened. Starting school is difficult when a child quickly notices that he can’t keep up with others in learning.

Preventing the postponement of the start of school is certainly not in the best interest of the child, and such a reform is not needed. There is a clear reason for the possible postponement of the start of school, and it is always done in cooperation with guardians, experts and the school.

Leena Hulkko

class teacher, general special education teacher, retired


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