This Wednesday Neinor Homes put to a vote a dividend of 125 million euros charged to the profits generated in 2024. This payment was approved and, in addition, the company committed to distributing another 125 million euros on the profits of 2025. This is , In 15 months, Neinor Homes will distribute a dividend of 250 million euros that reaches a profitability of 21.5%the highest indisputably in the entire Spanish stock market.
The first 125 million euros will be distributed in the first quarter of 2025 in two differentiated payments of 62.5 million each. Still with the exact dates to be specified, the first amount would be received by investors this coming January and the next would be made in March. In total, Each shareholder of the promoter would receive a dividend of 1.67 euros gross which, based on current prices, reaches a profitability close to 11% (Neinor has already distributed 1 euro per share and with this new payment, the total dividend for 2024 would amount to 2.67 euros). See the dividend schedule here.
Regarding the benefits that the company obtains in 2025, It is already planned to distribute another additional 125 million euros in the form of dividendswhich Neinor Homes would distribute in the first quarter of 2026 at the latest.
It should be noted that Neinor Homes manages to offer this profitability even with its shares at 2018 highs and exceeding the level of 15.50 euros. With less than 10 sessions left to close 2024, the promoter has appreciated around 66% on the stock market in this year.
This remuneration is part of the Strategic Plan announced by the company last year in which it expected to distribute 600 million euros in dividends until 2027. Of those 600 million, they planned to distribute 450 million in three years, from the announcement in 2023. From the To date, Neinor Homes has already distributed 200 million euros and with these new 250 million it would reach that proposed amount, thus meeting its objectives in time. and shape.
The remaining 150 million euros would be divided equally between the following two years. That is to say, 75 million in 2026 and another 75 million in 2027. At current levels, these long-term dividends still offer significant yields, specifically 6.5%. Although it is a considerable decrease compared to previous remuneration, the company values ​​this as a stabilized result after extraordinary periods.
The promoter continues to consolidate itself as the company on the Spanish stock market with the most profitable dividend. “The complete package is 600 million, with a very strong injection in the first three years, with 450 million. At this time Neinor is the Spanish listed company with a plan for greater shareholder remuneration. This is the time to enter and get on the bandwagon to be in the company collecting dividends, since The profitability per share will be, depending on the value of the securities, between 15% and 20%“he explained in an interview with Borja GarcÃa-Egotxeaga, CEO of Neinor Homes.
However, thanks to the success that its co-investment business is having added to a more favorable scenario with the drop in interest rates, They do not rule out that this dividend distribution could be higher in the coming years, but they do not set a specific payout objective (percentage of profits that is allocated to the payment of dividends).
In the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, Neinor Homes set the goal of achieving 1,000 million euros through new acquisitions, of which 50% would come from its co-investment business. This goal of 500 million euros was achieved in less than a year and a half. At the moment, they have not updated this guide, but that figure will continue to grow with the next agreements that the market expects Neinor Homes to announce in the following months.
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