The reduction of the working day has become the cause of bitter internal struggles between the two partners of the Government, embodied in this case by the Ministry of Labor of Yolanda Díaz and the Ministry of Economy, led by Carlos Corpo. The department led by the second vice president accused the Corps department on Wednesday of “vetoing” the processing of the day, something that Economía was quick to deny. However, Labor sources argue that With the deadlines that the Economy manages, it is almost impossible for workers to see a reduction in hours in 2025as established in the coalition pact. Something that is essential for Díaz’s department, but that the Corps department does not see as important as that the measure is well outlined and takes companies into account.
The aforementioned sources They insist that the Economy is vetoingand thus the start of the legal procedures to reduce the working day is recognized in writing – they argue -. Something that the Corps department denied on Wednesday. Specifically, they point out that the Delegate Commission for Economic Affairs (CDGAE) has refused to debate the text that Labor agreed only with the unions at its next meeting scheduled for January 13.
The refusal was reflected in a communication from the CDGAE to which it has had access 20 minutes in which the body rejects including this matter on the agenda for January 13 and indicates to Labor that it can request that it be included in the meeting scheduled for January 27. Something that the Ministry of Labor has little faith will happen.
Furthermore, the document considers that the reduction of working hours should be processed through the ordinary procedure and not by emergency means, as Labor claims. The CDGAE justifies this decision in that the significance of the measure and its possible economic impact makes coordination between ministries necessary. This matter, which may seem like a mere technicality, is of crucial importance for the department led by Díaz.
To the point that at work They see it as almost impossible that there could be a reduction in working hours in 2025 if the emergency route is not resorted to. If the rule is processed in ordinary mode, the aforementioned sources believe that the rule would not reach the Council of Ministers until next February. Furthermore, the ordinary procedure requires that the text be approved in Moncloa in a second round, after passing through the advisory bodies and the issuance of reports from the rest of the ministries. All this could block the process sine diethey estimate. In Labor they believe that in this way the rule would not reach Congress, where the most difficult obstacle is, until September in the best of cases. Something that would make its entry into force this year unlikely.
On the other hand, by urgent means the deadlines are reduced by half, the text only has to go through the Council of Ministers once and many administrative processes such as the issuance of reports can be dispensed with. If there is political will, they maintain in Labor, the text could be approved in February and thus start the parliamentary procedure that in principle should be the main obstacle to the reduction of working hours. The Government has not yet guaranteed the essential support of Junts in Congress.
The message that comes from Economy is different. On Wednesday, Minister Carlos Cuerpo stressed that the reduction in working hours is an “absolute priority” for your department and that work is being done to ensure that it goes through the necessary processing as quickly as possible. “We want to bring it to the Council of Ministers as soon as possible with all the guarantees and make it a reality,” he said.
However, Body has been slipping some points of disagreement with Díaz these weeks, although without specifying too much. Economy wants a text that reduces the working day “with guarantees”, “in a sustainable manner”, that takes into account the “parliamentary reality” and that includes measures to support companies. Labor and the unions refuse to touch even a single comma of the text of the agreement they reached in December, but all parties assume that the content can be modified when the reduction in working hours reaches Congress.
Accusations of intentional procrastination
The department headed by Yolanda Díaz maintains that it has been trying to start the processing of the reduction in hours for months. In October of last year they announced their intention to process the rule urgently and during all these months they have been exchanging drafts with the socialist economic ministries, they maintain.
In the ministry they feel that the PSOE has been putting obstacles in the way for months in the form of administrative obstacles. That there is a different administrative burden depending on which ministry the initiatives come from. The interpretation they make is that the socialist economic ministries have the intention of delaying the process when the regulations arrive from the department of Yolanda Díaz.
#Labor #warns #Corps #deadlines #time #reduce #working #day