Turull warns Sánchez: “If you do not process the issue of trust, we will make decisions that the PSOE will not like”
The general secretary of Junts rules out that the answer is to support a motion of censure: «Doing something with ...
The general secretary of Junts rules out that the answer is to support a motion of censure: «Doing something with ...
He asks that the Prosecutor's challenge be rejected as untimely and alludes to the precedent of Espejel, who was forced ...
In an assessment of his international policy, the president emphasizes that the US and its allies are stronger today than ...
Christmas has produced an increase in cases of flu and respiratory viruses. In this sense, doctors' offices and pharmacies have ...
Esquerra Republicana has notified the Government that, "to move forward" and negotiate the Budgets of the Generalitatthere needs to be ...
The Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodriguezwarned this Monday of the risk of liberalizing land without regulating its use and has ...
The Swedish Prime Minister, Ulf Kristerssonwarned this Sunday that his country "is not at war, but it is not at ...
The CEO of Sanitas, Iñaki Peraltapredicted that, if 1.5 million Muface mutual members joined the National Health System (SNS), an ...
Iñaki Peralta, CEO of Sanitas, assures that the disappearance of muface if it is not possible to carry out a ...
A child's education is something that depends mainly on his or her parents or legal guardians. However, it is known ...