On July 20, 1969, NASA’s Apollo spacecraft made history by making it possible for the first time in history that human beings stepped on the Moon. From that moment until 2024, which is about to end, no similar operation has been carried out again, neither by the US organization or any other public or private space company.
What has been developed during all the years following this historical milestone are the speculations and myths about whether or not it was real that man reached the moon.
This debate, although settled by scientists and astronomy experts, continues to be in the foreground today. An example of this is the conversation of some content creators in the ‘worldcast.oficial’ podcast where it is stated that “there is no such thing as a tangible solid celestial body in which I point a ship and go”, among other statements.
Faced with such speech, the adventurer, mountaineer and presenter Jesús Calleja wanted to raise his voice and deny the claims of the members of that social media program, as well as all the skeptics or deniers of the moon landing. In this way, Calleja, also through a video on his TikTok channel and the ‘I WAS THERE’ section, tells different facts about the milestone of reaching the moon and gives the reason why human beings have not set foot on the satellite again in all these years.
«A question of geopolitics»
«The reason why we did not return is very simple: issues of geopolitics. NASA is a state agency and, at that time, invested such an amount of public money which, in current times, is impossible to repeat. But at that time, the 60s and 70s, it was vital to win the space race against the Russians, which they called the Cold war», he begins by exposing.
With this context on the table, Calleja reveals the plans for the very near future to return to the Moon: «With the appearance of private space companies, especially Spacex and Blue Originwhose owners are the two richest men in the world, costs have been reduced so much that it is now feasible to return to the Moon. Thus, he mentions the Artemis project and states that By 2025 “the Moon will be reached without a crew. And, in 2026, if all goes well, we will step on it again.
In addition to these explanations, Calleja shows in several images that He himself has been inside the Orion module “the module that will take a crew that will set foot on the Moon again in 2026.” As he explains, four people will live and travel inside the cabin, being able to inhabit it for 21 days on their expedition to the Moon and return to Earth.
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