The rapid food and feed alert system of the European Union (Rasff, acronym in English) has notified a alert When detecting salmonella in frozen chicken fillets from Spain. The notice was issued by France on Thursday, February 27.
As a security measure for its high health risk, as the European Commission described, the French authorities have removed the chicken fillets from the market. As for Spain, which has been the distributor country of the merchandise, has ordered the physical and thermal treatment of the products. According to the details of the alert, The Spanish Food Security and Nutrition Agency (AESAN) will follow up on the measures taken.
Salmonella It is the bacteria that causes salmonellosis and in Europe, it is the majority cause of outbreaks of food origin. The AESAN warns that salmonella infection usually occurs when consuming meat, birds or some products of animal origin such as raw or little cooked eggs. Among the possible symptoms of salmonellosis, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and presence of blood in stool can be experienced.
If the last two symptoms persist, it is necessary to go to the doctor. Dehydration caused by the disease can be serious by requiring hospitalization and antimicrobial treatment if the infection spreads from the intestine to other parts of the organism.
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