The timetable until the election – important dates at a glance
Monday, December 16th: The Bundestag votes on the vote of confidence in Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). If Scholz loses this, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will, at his suggestion, dissolve the Bundestag within three weeks – i.e. by January 6th. Important: Even after its dissolution, the Bundestag remains in existence with all its rights and obligations until the new one meets. The federal government will also remain in office without any compromises until the new Bundestag is formed. Only then will she only be active as a manager.
Tuesday, December 17th: The party executives of the SPD as well as the CDU and CSU decide on their election programs.
Saturday, January 11th: The SPD elects its candidate for chancellor at a party conference in Berlin.
Sunday, January 12th: The BSW decides on its election program at a member party conference and names party founder Sahra Wagenknecht as the top candidate.
Saturday/Sunday, 11th/12th January: The AfD decides on its election program at a party conference in Riesa and appoints Alice Weidel as its candidate for chancellor.
Sunday, January 26th: The Greens decide on their election program at a party conference in Berlin.
Monday, February 3rd: The CDU meets for the early federal party conference in Berlin.
Saturday, February 8th: The CSU is also meeting at a party conference with a view to the federal election.
Sunday, February 9th: The FDP is meeting in Potsdam for an extraordinary federal party conference in preparation for the federal election.
Sunday, February 23rd: Federal election
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