Sevillians Rafael Acosta and Carlos Pérez will face the continental title of the lightweight this Thursday in San Pablo
Magic night that will be lived this Thursday, February 27 in Seville, since from 22.40 one of the most important sporting events of the year will be held, where two Sevillian boxers will face for the Ebu Silver title of light weightin a fight organized by the Green Fest Fight. On the one hand, the young promise of two sisters Rafael Acosta, Falito (12-1, 4 kos) It will be measured before the veteran of Alcalá de Guadaíra Carlos ‘Mouse’ Pérez (21-8-2, 2 kos)Excluson from Spain in the same category. A real clash of styles is expected at the San Pablo Sports Center in a battle where both will fight with everything for European glory in a stage such as the Andalusian capital.
It should be noted that Falito arrives with a great streak after having proclaimed himself National Light Weight Champion After beating Collado and having defended his successful title in Malaga against the Basque Jokin García, whom he defeated by decision. For his part, Carlos Pérez, with 31 fighting behind him and extensive experience in the quadrilateral, trusts his ability to impose himself. This fight represents for him a great opportunity to return to the European elite.
Both pugilists have very different styles. Falito, a fajador warrior who does not refuse the exchange, reminds the iconic Mexican boxers, betting on their punch and resistance. Instead, Pérez will base his strategy on his speed and precision, maintaining the distance as his best weapon.
In addition, in the weighing prior to combat, all the names of the Carteler of the evening were presented. First, the boxers will face them by weight Isabel Rivero, former champion of Europe by minimum weight (2023-2024), and Estefanía Matute. In the superpluma category, Abdumalik Xalokova Uzbeko boxer with a great history and recent gold medalist at the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, will be measured against Marlembron Acuña. Before the star fight, in supermedium weight, Artemio Garybain He will face Ramiro Blanco.
Finally, what the public shouted: Falito against Mouse. During the successful weighing of both contestants, the tension could be felt in the environment. Their fixed looks reflected the hunger of victory and the desire to get the title, which promises a true war in the ring of San Pablo.
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