The characteristics of the water and those of cameor of alcoholic beverages in general. He alcohol (It is demonstrated) is always a harmful moleculeeven in small quantities. He water simply is not. However, it is true: there is Some cases (very rare) in which even water can cause problems. But it depends on the amount And also of our health status. The phenomenon is known as overhydration either Water poisoning. This is what you have to know.
How much water do you have to drink up to date?
There is no unique answer to this question. For one adult personin general, the Council is to consume 8 glasses of water a day, that is, about 2 liters. However, needs can change Depending, for example, from the season (in summer it is better to drink more) or the physical activity that is carried out during the day. Pregnant women need At least 2 liters of water a day. A good indicator to know if you have enough hydration is to observe your diuresis: if you drink when you are thirsty and your urine has a color similar to tea, you are probably doing well.
Is there the risk of drinking too much water?
“As a Italian Nephrology Society (SIN) we want to underline that The concept that water is bad should not be transmitted“explains Wired Nicola LucaPresident of the SIN. “If a person has a renal function normal, even drink 4 to 5 liters of water, tea or infusions, a day It does not cause problemsbecause the kidneys are “intelligent” organs and, if they are healthy, they are able to support it and eliminate excess fluids maintaining the electrochemical balance of the organism. “In fact, sometimes (the doctor adds), increasing the water intake a bit can even help reduce the retention of fluids and spots such as cellulite.”
“The call Water poisoning It exists, but it is a condition extremely rarewhich occurs mainly in patients suffering insufficiency renal, that is, they have kidneys that do not work as they should, or a Psychiatric disorder known as Potomaniaor psychogenic polydipsia, which leads them to drink disproportionate amounts of water compared to the needs of the organism, even 20 liters per day, “continues from Nicola.
According to the expert, water poisoning is mainly manifested with nausea and Vomiting and neurological disordersfor example confusion, asthenia and feeling of disorientation, caused by a decrease in sodium concentration in the blood which causes the cells to swell and prevents their correct functioning.
“I want to reiterate that Dehydration, that is, drinking little water, is a much more frequent risk than overhydration“, concludes from Nicola, and adds that we should all get used to Drink more water that the two canonical liters, especially in summer, and also Eat slightly more salty foods“
Article originally published in Wired Italy. Adapted by Mauricio Serfatty Godoy.
#Drinking #water #harmful