At least one person has died and several people have been trapped in the collapse of a garage in a building affected by DANA on October 29 in Benetússer, Valencia.
As stated in the newspaper Lift-EMVthe event occurred this Saturday at noon when The staircase of one of the buildings affected by the floods has given wayfalling on a group of workers who were carrying out cleaning work in the property.
According to this media, there is one deceased and two people trapped in the rubble caused by the collapse. The newspaper quotes the mayor of the town, Eva Sanzwhich confirms the death of one of the workers.
The Emergency Coordination Center of the Valencian Community has announced on its official account on the social network Valencia Firefighters crews.
Furthermore, units of the corps Local Police and Civil Guard They have also attended the scene of the accident, along with two emergency ambulances.
#dead #trapped #collapse #garage #affected #DANA #Benetússer