Turkmenistanlocated in Central Asia, usually arouses a lot of interest. The country has a very rich history and is very attractive to many, but it has an authoritarian regime, many restrictions on tourists and a very fair opening to the outside world that makes visiting it very unusual.
Recently, Spanish travel ‘tiktokers’ Elena and Victorfrom the account @foreigntravelerwere able to get a visa to enter there and have just published their opinions and cultural shocks about it. As it could not be otherwise, the video in which they tell the most shocking thing about this unique experience is being enjoyed a lot.
The couple said, in a previous video, that they had achieved the permission to cross the border “from one of the most secretive countries in the world”, behind North Korea, and whose visa is very difficult to obtain, so they showed their excitement at having obtained it. Days later, they uploaded a video in which they say that “we are in the strangest country in the world» and they give some reasons to argue it.
«To freak out»
“All the cars are white, everything is built in marble and it is forbidden to have a dirty car,” Elena begins her explanations, while making it clear that there “there are hardly any tourists.” Aware that what they have experienced is «to freak out“, both recognize that “this has been the craziest adventure of our lives” because they have been able to be in a country with “one of the most eccentric dictators in history.”
Thus, Elena highlights that he imposed «laws so crazy like the cars had to be white and clean” and that he changed the months and days of the week “to call them like members of his family.” Furthermore, as can be seen, his streets are full of statues and portraits of himself and he has forced the entire population to read his book, the ‘Rukhnama’ (which by the way has a giant commemorative statue), and to learn it in order to be able to read it. carry out administrative procedures or pass exams, such as driving.
The ‘tiktoker’ highlights that in its capital, Ashgabat, it is “a surreal city in which everything is built of marble”, even though it is not a native stone: in reality, the one there is imported from Italy. There they saw deserted streets with many people “thoroughly cleaning each statue and each tile, so everything was spotless.”
Another thing that most surprised this couple from Turkmenistan is that it is the only country “recognized by the UN as 100% neutral, so it is more so than Switzerland or the Vatican. “And yes, of course, they built an imposing marble monument to commemorate it,” she says ironically, before addressing the question that most commonly arises after being there: “where does the money come from to have such a crazy city?”
Turkmenistan, she confirms, is full of gas and oil fields. “A liter of gasoline costs ten cents,” she exemplifies, before explaining that “it is impossible to enter the country on your own” and that if they have been able to do so it is because they have hired a private ‘tour’ and are accompanied by a guide.
«Despite all this madness, The country is very safe and the people are very friendly.“But we cannot forget that it is one of the most repressive regimes in the world.” The questions about where the natives are, since the streets are empty, are the ones that have been repeated the most among the followers of Elena and Victor.
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