Sometimes anxiety can help and give a boost of energy. However, when this emotion is disproportionate and prolonged over time it becomes a problem.
The psychologist Begoña del Campo Zafra assures that there are people over 30 years old who “they are completely turned off”. “They lose the brightness of their eyes,” he says. In one interview tells what she sees every day in her consultation.
The reason why there are more and more young people with anxiety, according to a psychologist
Begoña del Campo Zafra has spoken about a very common problem among young people who suffer from anxiety. «Those who contact me about a breakup or some emotional problem tell me that They have no one to talk to. This is sad. They don’t have that confidence when it comes to telling their things,” he laments.
Furthermore, the psychologist points out that the pandemic forced many to “stop and look at themselves.” «You have to be very brave for it because there are aspects that you are not going to like. I like that definition of depression which is ‘aggression turned against oneself,’ he says.
For the expert, the key is to surround yourself with people who drive us. «The agonies pull you down. If you are with people who are constantly complaining, no matter how optimistic you are, you join in. “Complaints are an epidemic,” he clarifies.
On the other hand, Begoña del Campo Zafra has stated that the mobiles “They are a full-fledged addiction.” «They are microshots of dopamine. You have to be alarmed about this», he declares. He thinks the same about social networks. «They are a scourge for mental health. Trust in life and enjoy it because it is the milk,” he says.
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