He Feng Shui has gained popularity in recent years. This ancient Chinese practice addresses the harmonization of interiors and argues that spaces can help improve personal well-being. Thus, it is understood that thanks to a certain design and prioritizing some particularities, energies can flow better and contribute to the health and prosperity of the people who live there.
These benefits are also related to the balanced use of wood, fire, earth, metal and water, the five natural elements, and the rest of the decoration has a lot to say in this practice. Thus, for example, the location of a bed and the use of certain colors and materials are associated with well-being and the presence of something very popular in homes such as photographs personal.
The Feng Shui specialist Montserrat Beltran has recently spoken on this last issue. He did it in the podcast ‘It makes sense’, where he was asked, among other things, why types of images, thinking especially about the typical ones of partner, children or deceased, help to have good energy at home and which ones don’t. His response is of great interest since it already exceeds two million views.
“An important topic”
«About the photos There is something interesting and that is, For example, you like photos and you want to put them in the hall, so we recommend that they only be photos of those who now live in the house,” she begins her response. Montserrat emphasizes that once inside the house there is not so much of a problem but she implies, as the interviewer reiterates, that it is important “not to be greeted by someone who is no longer in this world” or in this house.
Thus, the expert exemplifies the case of family homes in which the children have already become independent and advises that “not have them in the hall.” Montserrat believes that these types of images could be in the hallway or dining room per se.or not in the entrance and not in the bedroom. «This is an important point», he warns.
The advisor also asks not to put photos in the bathroom, something she has seen on occasion and emphasizes that “in the master bedroom there cannot be photographs that are not of the people who sleep there”, be they a couple or a single person. Portraits of parents, children, grandparents “or much less deaths».
Although she does not explain it in detail, Montserrat implies that all of this is crucial to being able to attract good energy at home. In any case, the issue has generated a lot of stir and many have responded to the video explaining that they do not believe in this practice or simply explaining that they precisely have photos of loved ones who are no longer at the entrance, as if they were altars. «I love putting the photo of my father at the entrance of my house: I greet him and say goodbye when entering and leaving, I love my father and I always have him in mind even though he died in 1995,” adds another user.
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