Every television or radio show host knows to be careful with the crystal ball answer. For many years now, media commentators have agreed to respond with a famous phrase, which is like a spell, when they are asked for an opinion on some future event that is related to the present.
Esa es la gran respuesta del tertuliano que, después de utilizar el famoso comodín, lanza sin mucho problema su predicción al mundo con la tranquilidad de haberse cubierto las espaldas con la idea más tonta del mundo. Because that is another matter, if the talk show host really had a crystal ball, would he be able to see the future in it? Would you be able to guess what is going to happen?
al preguntar la respuesta de la bola de cristal en la voz de un tertuliano tendrá mala suerte durante año y medio y serán pocos los ministros, altos cargos y subsecretarios de a ochenta mil que deseen hablar con él. Fortune tellers, oracles, augurs, prophets, astrologers, necromancers, mediums, clairvoyants, shamans or haruspices have practiced vision of the future with varying success throughout the history of humanity. It’s nothing new.
The flight of birds, coffee grounds, viscera, the flow of the stars, the patterns of fire, mirrors, crystals or the bones and shells of animals are some of the elements that have helped predict the future.
I wanted to make a support for 2025 to make up for the void of Euro Cups and World Cups, but it couldn’t be. However, like a dream revenge, I find in this newspaper a wonderful survey that asks me about my forecasts for the current year. I see, to my greater delight, that the person who designed it has placed an illustration with a crystal ball. I answer the questions with the enthusiasm of a child and the hope that the results will reach me. Yes, I have a crystal ball.
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