PODCAST | The king, a strange piece in the Government’s chess

The Government has held the first event of the many that it will celebrate in 2025 for the death of Franco and thus commemorate the beginning of the end of the dictatorship in Spain. There were members of the Government, union representatives, journalists… But it was not Felipe VI, who did not mention Franco in his Military Easter speech, despite the fact that in the original text there was a reference to this 50th anniversary.

Valencia, Notre Dame and the anniversary of the death of a dictator. They are three very different moments, but they have something in common: suspicions, misunderstandings and political messages camouflaged in the king’s agenda. That’s what we’re talking about today, about how Felipe VI decides what he does and what he doesn’t, what he says and what he doesn’t, where he goes and where he doesn’t.

We follow the trail of Felipe VI’s agenda and its meaning with the one attached to the director of elDiario.es Esther Palomera.


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#PODCAST #king #strange #piece #Governments #chess

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