During the cold months of the year, mandarins become one of the most popular fruits in Spain. Their high vitamin C content makes them ideal for strengthening the immune system in the middle of cold season, in addition to being a healthy and delicious option to consume as a snack or in desserts. However, not all tangerines are always equally good and it is common to be disappointed in finding one that is dry or has an insipid flavor. The fruit seller and TikTok user @fruterotiktokero, known for sharing tips on how to choose the best fruits, recently spoke on this topic. In one of his most recent videos, the expert assures that the best method to avoid this situation is the most traditional: feeling the fruit. Related News Standard AGRONOMY No Why do Andalusians eat fewer oranges? Its consumption has fallen by half in the last ten years NB Each Andalusian consumes, on average, 900 grams per person per month, an amount that worries the sector. According to him, this technique can reveal a lot about the quality of the fruit and its level of juiciness. The key is to gently press the sides of the tangerine; If one of them is noticeably harder than the other, the inside is probably dry. This difference in texture is due to the distribution of the liquid inside: a juicy tangerine usually has a uniform pressure because the segments are filled with liquid and distributed evenly. On the contrary, a harder side indicates that some segments have lost juice, affecting both texture and flavor. The expert points out that this dryness may be due to factors such as lack of water during cultivation or the impact of extreme temperatures, which can excessively cool a part of the fruit. In the video, the fruit bowl demonstrates the difference when opening two tangerines: one juicy and the other dry, illustrating how the initial touch can anticipate the state of the interior. What other things should you look for when buying tangerines? In addition to the trick to feel, @fruterotiktokero highlights three extra elements to pay attention to. First, the shell: beyond its visual appearance, it is important to look at its firmness. A good tangerine should offer a balanced touch, neither too soft nor excessively hard, and have a shiny surface with a fresh aroma. The second key factor is size and weight. Heavier and larger pieces usually have a higher juice content, which contributes to a sweeter and more pleasant flavor. Therefore, picking up several tangerines and comparing them can be a good step when choosing. Related news standard No This is the fruit that almost no one eats, but that has triple the standard vitamin C Yes Boticaria García Keys to strengthening the immune system and reduce colds Raquel AlcoleaFinally, color plays a crucial role. An ideal tangerine will have a uniform tone and will be free of brown spots, as these usually indicate that it is stale or beginning to dry out. Likewise, a predominance of green in the skin indicates that it is not completely ripe and that its flavor may be more acidic than expected.
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