The balance-summary of the year is a traditional journalistic genre. It has only one problem: that when you make it public, there is still room to alter its conclusions. The balance-summary is usually prepared a few days in advance, with the idea of canning it to compensate for the desertification of the newsrooms caused by the vacation schedule. Taking stock of Barça in 2024, for example, requires having everything ready except for one episode that, at this point, has not been closed: the registration of Dani Olmo, which has not yet been resolved and requires keeping journalistic attention alive. .
If the intrigue also coincides with days without competition, it forces us to important rhetorical contortions. Some contortions that make us repeat all the possibilities – plan A, B and C – and, at the same time, conclude that, since the club never tires of repeating, it will end up being resolved. In terms of communication, The Club is a relatively reliable concept. It cannot be underestimated, because it often proposes rational and reasoned predictions. Other times, however, it navigates a territory where good intentions mixed with a recalcitrant and unrealistic optimism prevail.
Laporta keeps our attention until the last minute of the last day of the year
What will happen? As a participant in this trend, I trust that, by pure logic, Barça will find a shortcut to register Olmo and avoid ridicule that we use as a kind of rhetorical antagonist that will help to underline, when it arrives, the success of the registration (although We must not rule out that the registration is confirmed and not definitive). And this is when the focus of the balance-summary can be entertained by following the adventures of president Joan Laporta. In 2023, at the Christmas meal, Laporta had overcome a period of hyperactivity with some health scare that, luckily, was denied by his expansive humor and omnivorous talkativeness.
Throughout 2024, the president has once again seen how, with a mixture of small mouth and grotesque boasting, opposition groups organized themselves in the classic network – updated with cheap conspiracies through Telegram – of meetings in restaurant booths or mansions designed so that they do not look like mansions. Apart from Víctor Font, who remains stuck in a testimonial coherence that sometimes results in insignificance, the other groups have alternated respect for Laporta’s work, a genuine or imitation Cruyffism, a narcissism of tribune essence and a repertoire of vagueness that, paraphrasing the most vehement Jordi Pujol, “no serveixen per res”.
In different appearances, Laporta has imposed a speech with many fissures of credibility and coherence, but which, having no opposition, has allowed many culés to understand that, today, he is the best candidate to move in a territory so prone to already astounded by the lack of principles and scruples like elite football. Laporta’s balance sheet? Identical to the previous year and, probably, the one before that. Since the dismissal without anesthesia of Leo Messi, the change of opinion and the volatility of criteria is, just like the dates of return to the Camp Nou, a sign of coherence for a character who cannot be denied, until the last minute of this 2024, the ability to capture our attention.
#Laporta #year #groundhog #Sergi #Pàmies