A government report revealed an increase in the rates of women’s participation and employment in private sector establishments and companies during the past year, by more than 22.5%, while the report identified 10 professional sectors that are considered the most attractive and functionally attractive to the female workforce in the private sector labor market, the most prominent of which are: sales jobs, jobs Other office support, hairdressing, beauty and related work, business services and administration managers, nursing and midwifery, administrative secretaries and specialists.
In detail, an official statistical report, issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, emphasized the importance of the role of the private sector in supporting national efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and promoting national initiatives and projects aimed at establishing gender balance in various fields, pointing out that these efforts have resulted in remarkable progress. In the UAE’s ranking in the global competitiveness reports on women and gender balance, the countries of the region currently lead in the most important of these indicators.
The report, a copy of which was obtained by Emirates Today, stated that women in the UAE were able to leave a clear imprint and a noticeable positive impact through their pioneering contributions in all sectors of work, where they held the highest leadership positions and achieved exceptional successes and leaps in their work. She was able to make a difference in many areas, thanks to her persistence and determination, the family and community support she receives, and the care and attention of the country’s wise leadership, which is keen to provide her with the elements and capabilities of creativity and excellence, especially in light of the country’s legislation that prohibits gender discrimination in the workplace.
He pointed out that Federal Law No. 33 of 2021 regarding regulating labor relations affirms equality of rights between men and women without discrimination between them, taking into account women’s rights acquired in accordance with other legislation, as it stipulates: “Discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, color, sex, or… National origin, social origin, or any other reason, which would weaken equal opportunities or prejudice equality in obtaining a job, continuing in it, or enjoying their rights,” stressing that these legislations contributed to stimulating the entry of more women into the labor force in the labor market. In the country.
The report indicated that women’s participation and employment rates in private sector establishments and companies during the past year witnessed a significant growth rate exceeding 22.5% compared to 2022, which confirms the pivotal role of women in enhancing the competitiveness of the labor market, to be more attractive and empowering, especially for qualified nationals and more able to harness Women’s competencies, energies and their status in serving the comprehensive development goals of the UAE.
The statistical report identified 10 professional sectors that were the most attractive and functional to the female workforce in the private sector labor market during the past year, which are: “sales jobs, other support jobs in offices, hairdressing, beauty and related work, business services and administration managers, sales.” In stores, nursing and midwifery, administrative and specialist secretaries, customer information services, financial professions, sales management, marketing and development.
• “Human Resources and Emiratisation”: “Women in the Emirates have been able to leave a clear mark through their pioneering contributions in all work sectors.”
753.7 thousand female workers
The Department of Labor Market Information System, affiliated with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, confirmed that the total number of private sector employees and workers registered with the Ministry at the state level, as of the end of the first half of last year, amounted to 5 million, 908 thousand and 377 people, including 5 million 154 thousand and 668 from Males, representing 87.2% of the total number of workers in the private sector, compared to 753,709 females, (12.8%).
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