Zukán's good direction has led him towards the finish line of 30 years old, which he crosses with iron health. This 2024, the leading company in customized sweetening solutions celebrates a very special anniversary, thanks to the scope, dimension and results achieved. Because it has achieved an objective, so simple and so difficult, which is to add value to a 'commodity' (basic product) like sugar, at the same time it has created a network of innovation in processes and products that has positioned it as a brand. pioneer in the food sector.
Its catalog includes bee food and 100% natural sugar-free sweeteners.
Its history has its roots in Molina de Segura, in 1994, at the hands of José Moreno, known and recognized for his business vision, which allowed him to take advantage of the business opportunity of the sale and distribution of bagged sugar for the sugar industry. municipality and its surroundings. Later, he began to manufacture liquid sugar, after realizing the benefits of transforming traditional sugar to optimize resources for the canning activity. Since then, Zukán has activated the cruise control system to position itself as a national and international benchmark, as a result of its ability to offer specific sweetening solutions for each client, with value proposals that improve the production chain and the final products. .
Healthy and functional
This search for specialization and excellence is supported by its key and determined commitment to R&D&I, through two branches: one, strategic development of new products, and another, process optimization and efficiency. already existing. In fact, Zukán has been prioritizing its efforts since 2012 in the design and manufacturing of healthier and more functional ingredients, in response to the growing market demand for healthier foods and also to be one step ahead in the market.

Precisely, this commitment to innovation and continuous improvement involves focusing on the supply chain, a crucial point in the company's value chain. Likewise, it helps you to be better prepared for unforeseen events and to adapt quickly and easily to the current situation, motivated either by external circumstances or by diversification and exploration of new markets. This response capacity was demonstrated during the most critical months of the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020, when it continued to operate and supply raw materials to its customers.
Working environment
Innovation, development, continuous improvement and dedication to customer service are the fundamental pillars that support the company's strength in a globalized and very competitive market. Another of its strong points is the relationship it maintains both with its human team and with the very broad client portfolio. This bond is, without a doubt, the seed of the commitment and dedication that the staff, made up of professionals, demonstrates daily. “We are very proud of our business culture,” says Marcos Sáez, executive director of Zukán, adding that “we are surrounded by a large group of people who share values and objectives with a modern, close and transversal horizontal structure, creating a work environment pleasant in which people feel appreciated and treated with respect.

The human team is one of its main assets: “We share values and objectives”
The same satisfaction emanates towards clients, to whom it shows a marked vocation for attention in all processes, from day-to-day management to active listening to understand their demands and incorporate them into its innovation cycle. “Our fundamental principle in our scale of values is to give them the best possible service, attending to their problems and adapting to their needs almost instantly,” they add, and then emphasize that “we want our clients to become our best ambassadors.”
The origin of Zukán comes from sugar, which, at the same time, is its main raw material. Throughout these three decades, the company has managed to add value with the development of products that come from this substance, relying on R&D&i in processes, which in turn has allowed it to offer personalized solutions for each client and application. .

For example, it has created a line of sugar-free and 100% natural sweeteners, which come from cane or beet fiber and are designed to replace sugar partially or totally in a wide variety of drinks and foods, such as cookies, pastries, bakery, dairy products and derivatives, sauces, snacks and baby food. Added to this are its ranges of fondants, organic products and beekeeping food, the latter causing a real revolution at a national and international level. In addition, it is worth highlighting that the company from Molina and the University of Murcia have created, based on the beekeeping line, the Zukán Chair of Research and Development of Nutrition for Bees, a pioneering project in its category that focuses on improving well-being. of these species through food.
#Zukan #sugar