Is that going out? That was the questions of all questions, for a few seconds she killed all the skin. It was to become a foolish, in the target stadium some waved their red and white-red flags, while others only held them wobbling in their hands. Pray, roar, hope. It was so scarce that some seemed to be close to the nerve collapse in the target area of Saalbach. And those responsible for these scenes? Stephanie Venier, the Austrian, raced down the Zwölferkogel, a jump, she was now within sight of the stadium, last time 18 hundredths of a second ahead of the high favorite favorite Federica Brignone from Italy. In the stadium, the crowd cooked and Venier shot like an arrow towards the finish line. Is that going out?
It was a tenth of a second, and it now looks like a national ecstasy pill. Skination Austria discharges, more than that, all the pressure has to go out. In Saalbach, the après-ski-Stadel filled on Thursday afternoon, soon there was hardly any place to get a place near the stadium, things went so wild and enthusiastic, but carnival looks like a relaxed coffee. All thanks to Venier, who secured the gold medal at the Super-G in Saalbach, the first one for Austria since 2021 at a Ski World Cup, and the first for the 31-year-old, who had been decorated with World Cup silver in her career, that was once decorated in her career. It was eight years ago. And now, in the autumn of her ski venue, she can call herself world champion. More than that: In Saalbach, she will be celebrated as a rescuer of the proud skination Austria. A country that defines itself more about the success of its ski racers than any other region in the world.
The German Emma Aicher is only 28 hundredths of a second in third place
Not all of this is necessarily healthy, but ecstasy and pain are often close together, especially in skiing, where mostly tiny things decide whether an athlete is cheering at the finish line or keeps the aching shoulder next to the fencing fences. At the first individual race of this World Cup, the most famous of all starter women hit this time: Lindsey Vonn. After just a few turns and less than 30 windows, the 40-year-old got stuck on a gate bar with her left shoulder on her World Cup comeback and broke off the race with a face-rated face. Below was a frightened murmur through the stadium, some pointed screams were heard. Without a drama it never works in skiing, but after a few minutes of break, Vonn was able to go down the mountain and wave with the healthy arm, there were far worse incidents on how her titanium -enhanced knee suggests.
For the US medal collection, Vonn’s teammate jumped, Lauren Macuga, who had been walking through Saalbach with a colorful floral camper hat the day before and now rushed over the slopes like a berserker. Once it lifted her out of the slope, but the 22-year-old stayed steadfast, darkened over the finish line and had the perfect World Cup time there because she was listed in third place with Norwegian Kajsa Vickhoff. In the end, she climbed together with her behind Brignone and Venier as a bronze winner onto the now somewhat too tight medal platform.
And almost there should have been space for Emma Aicher, 21 years old, the great future hope of the German Ski Association (DSV) and now more than that. At the finish line, she was only 28 hundredths of a second in third place. In the end, Aicher was sixth and seemed to be taken by the World Cup spirit. “I am very satisfied with my skiing today and that I could show it from top to bottom.” For a German medal, it was not quite out of it. But the World Cup just started.
#World #Cup #Saalbach #Skination #Austria #celebrates #world #champion #Stephanie #Venier