The TikTok social network is characterized by the viralization of trends and challenges by young people. Although there are some like dances, recipes or interpretations that do not imply physical danger, There are others who do. Among the latter, the so-called ‘Superman’ stands out.
This challenge consists of a personand throws a chain of arms imitating the superhero and once it ‘lands’, the force exerted by the human line with these limbs returns it to the starting point. However, failure to control balance or effort has caused the protagonists to suffer bodily injuries.
There are even those who ‘break’ the support point before the person reaches it and cause the subject who has jumped falls into the void against the ground.
All this has been collected by the X account (formerly Twitter), @profefurioso_, which has reported this situation through a compilation of videos of this trend.
“As you can see, many of the challenges are recorded in educational centers and I know that, in some, with fatal results in which the emergency services have had to intervene,” he points out in the thread, since many of the recordings have been made in classrooms.
The user asks his followers that both teachers and parents make their children “aware” of the danger of this type of challenge. “Social networks are fine, but taken with a grain of salt: Not everything can be replicated, not everything can be shared and not everything is worth it.“, sentence.
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