The significant snowfall that has fallen here this weekend in a good part of the Catalan Pyrenees will allow the majority of the ski resorts that are located to open their proper days, sobretot from divendres. The overtures will be generalities between alpine ski resortsthat both of the natural skis are also fed by the snow cannons, while the situation is not so clear among the Nordic skiers, who are offered services with snowshoes but it is not certain that all of them will be able to use the ski circuits for the first time. ski els propers dies.
Specifically, the group’s ski resorts Railways of the Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC) will begin to operate from divendres and dissabte. Boí Taüll (Alta Ribagorça), Port Ainé i Espot Esquí (Pallars Sobirà), ho faran divendres i La Molina (Cerdanya), Vallter i Vall de Núria (Ripollès), dissabte, after the Temporary of the weekend cap hi ha deixat gruixos between 20 and 65 centimeters.
The stage that will advance the overture will be that of Masella (Cerdanya), privately managed, and is expected to open on the Coma Oriola track and expand the offer throughout the week. The fall of the thermometers by davall dels 9 graus negatius in some points guarantees the good conditions of the new that the operators have begun to work in this dilluns. Baqueira Beret It will also operate on its own, pending the exact date, while at the same time Port del Comte (Solsonès) the situation is different and has not changed, therefore, the tracks will remain stagnant.
The announcement of the opening of the ski resorts in the Pyrenees was made just when the Puríssima bridge had finished, since the darrers were still serving to start the season, but in Guany it has been impossible due to the lack of snow.
In Masella (Cerdanya) the Coma Oriola track and the telecadira that carries the mateix nom will operate dimarts. The complex includes both sizes of tires ranging from 30 to 35 centimeters and from dimecres they intend to open more mountain ranges and sectors such as the Pla de Masella, the Alp Forest, the Cap del Bosc and Coma Oriola.
Pel que fa a les pistes d’Nordic skiing, the only one that covers both the number of kilometers allowed for the practice of this esport is that of Tavascanto Pallars Sobirà, while Aransa (Cerdanya), Sant Joan de l’Erm (Alt Urgell) and Virós-Vall Ferrera (Pallars Sobirà) are open for snowshoes, but not for skiing. The streets (Cerdanya) and Tuixent-la Vansa (Solsonès) are not open per se, but they start from the snowfall here because the situation could change in all of them.
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