The Queen participated this Thursday in the reading of the inclusive story ‘Lara, the yellow ladybug‘ with the 5-year-old students of the Cortes de Cádiz school in Madrid, an educational center that is included in ‘Think Equal’, a pioneering Socio-Emotional Education project for children between 3 and 6 years old developed by leading world experts in emotional intelligence and which has already been implemented in 34 countries.
Signed by Catherine Holtzhausen, Martha Evans and Nadene Krielthe book tells how a yellow insect, a different ladybug, wants to fit into a red world. After reading it, the Queen spoke with the children and listened to the conclusions they drew from the story.
The Queen has shared with teachers and students the progress and achievements achieved so far, attending the activities carried out by the children focused on dynamic learning. In addition, Doña Letizia also accompanied the 4-year-old students in the ‘Animometer’ activity. , where the children shared with her the sensations they feel through an emotions panel, focused on the recognition and management of those emotions and that teaches the little ones to understand and express their feelings appropriately, according to the Palace. of the Zarzuela.
Doña Letizia was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Education, Abelardo de la Rosa; the founding president of the Gomaespuma Foundation, Juan Luis Cano; the founding vice president of the Gomaespuma Foundation, Guillermo Fesser; the president of ‘Think Equal’, Leslie Udwin; the director of the CEIP Cortes de Cádiz, Carmen Partida; the president councilor of the Hortaleza district, David Pérez García and the director of the Gomaespuma Foundation, Piluca Losantos, among others.
The Gomaespuma Foundation is the strategic partner of ‘Think Equal’ for its implementation in Spain, in collaboration with the Community of Madrid. ‘Think Equal’ was founded in 2016 by Leslee Udwin, who received the UN Women for Peace Award in 2018 for the impact achieved thanks to this project. The vision of the need for a Socio-Emotional Education project like ‘Think Equal’ came to her during a professional experience filming a documentary about violence against women in India. After interviewing for many hours the perpetrators of a terrible gang rape, Leslee became aware that violence is rooted in the social and cultural roots of certain discriminatory ideas based on differences by gender, race, religion or ability.
Since January 2017, ‘Think Equal’ has been implemented in 19 countries on 5 continents and has benefited more than 170,000 Kindergarten students. The Program has been endorsed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF and UNESCO and collaborates with the Scholas Ocurrentes of Pope Francis.
The Gomaespuma Foundation, committed to Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years under the motto ‘Educating with a Smile’, has been responsible for bringing this program to Spain.
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