The PSOE has registered this Friday in the Congress of Deputies a bill with which it seeks a regulatory reform “against harassment derived from abusive judicial actions.” In the midst of all the legal cases surrounding the Government of Pedro Sánchez, whose origin and development has been and is being questioned by the socialists, the PSOE seeks to criminal proceedings cannot be opened solely with complaints based on “press clippings” without the slightest hint of irregularities” or put a stop to the action of popular accusations.
In the same text, to which you have had access 20 minutesthe Socialist Parliamentary Group also proposes suppressing article 525 of the Penal Code, known as that of the offenses to religious feelings because, apart from the fact that “hardly any convictions are detected”, he also considers that it is “used by ultra and fundamentalist organizations to persecute artists, activists and elected representatives, making them go through very expensive criminal processes on an economic and personal level.”
There will be more information…
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