He Plenary of the Madrid Assembly It is focused today on the fifth anniversary of the Covid pandemic and far from joining the parliamentary groups, the debate has resulted in an authentic political battle. A PSOE deputy has appeared with … A black shirt and the political motto ‘7,291 lives’, in reference to the dead who, according to the left, were in the residences of elders. The two parties on the left have launched the dead at the head of Ayuso and the president has demanded that they stop “twisting the pain of the victims.”
The atmosphere has been tense even before opening the control session at ten in the morning. In the halls, that same socialist deputy has interrupted the press conference of the PP spokesman to say, shouting, that there was nothing to celebrate today. Within the hemicycle, the tension has been noticed from the first moment, while a dozen relatives of the dead in the residences have come to support the left, and among them a political activist sat.
The figure of ‘7,291’ dead uses the left as a political weapon without any modesty. A fact that the PP denies with a routing and that brands false. The total deaths, according to official figures from the Ayuso government, stayed at 4,143. The PP spokesman, Carlos Díaz-Pache, has accused “moral misery” on the left for using the dead and trying to divide society. Faced with those figures on the left, Ayuso has denounced that “there are 130,000 dead on Sánchez’s shoulders and a millionaire plot.” That is why he has asked the PSOE to “cover a little.”
The president of the Community of Madrid has defended himself from the attacks of the PSOE and more Madrid, parties that demand his resignation and who have urged him to watch the documentary ‘7,291’ that tonight will broadcast Spanish public television.
In the PSOE shift in the control session, its parliamentary spokesman, Mar Espinar, has referred to six out of every hundred victims from Covid throughout Spain “died trapped by the protocols” of the Community of Madrid. “Five years later, he does not ask for forgiveness, he does not tell the truth or repair the relatives.” “Why did you approve these protocols, why did you abandon them, why let them die like this?”
«Aunt Chelo did not die. Aunt was killed. I wasn’t sick, but I needed a respirator. She died on April 6, 2020. Mrs. Ayuso, at what time, a regional president can threaten the victims, instead of protecting them, insulting them, instead of honoring them, it will not be that she is not worthy of the position she occupies. ” «While thousands of people died, her brother lined up and her boyfriend lined up. His surroundings used the pandemic to give balls and then cheated at the Treasury. Ask forgiveness and resign, or if not, shut up, ”the socialist spokeswoman, given the presence of a dozen relatives who have come to the Assembly. The deputies on the left have applauded them standing in a long ovation.
The regional president recalled what a government delegate said: “You have to twist the pain of the victims.” “You are collaborating with that every day,” he lamented. “The PSOE does not disappoint, every time there is a tragedy, try to instrumentalize it.”
“It is you who manage the government of the Nation, who have to listen to the sanitary alerts, who warned since January that a great wave arrived, but were more interested in taking women to the street.” «How many people died in Spain? It is not known, they don’t care. They have been like this five years. We were embarrassed by the victims are you do. On the shoulders of Sanchez, 130,000 dead falls ».
“You created a millionaire plot that are yet being judged and you have the rennet to point to relatives who dedicated themselves to that all their lives, when you have a plot of corruption.”
«To families, whatever. Please come, and we will explain one by one what they need ». Of course, he recalled that among the “relatives” there are former deputies on the left. “Like you, Mr. Chamorro, who was a deputy and is now sold for four hard.”
The PP deputies have dedicated an ovation to Ayuso, in response to what the left had done a few minutes before.
For more Madrid, Manuela Bergerot has asked about the “social situation” of Madrid. “Despite you, live the best moment,” said Ayuso. “The fence is narrowed on her boyfriend,” Bergerot attacked, who has focused on Ayuso’s groom’s attic: “All indications point to you.”
From there, he has referred to the “protocols of shame.” “He is afraid to end up as a Mazón, finished in his lies and his pride,” he has thrown at Ayuso. “The people of Madrid lived while their surroundings only looked for how to give a ball.”
«There were 7,291 and only happened in the Community of Madrid. They lie when they say it happened throughout Spain. Only here his government signed the protocols that allowed them to die in the residences, ”said the spokeswoman for more Madrid.
Two other sentences give the reason to the community
Ayuso has commented that Bergerot should resign “by defamatory.” «You put me in my mouth: they were going to die the same. And that said it. The president recalled that this week there are two other sentences that return to the regional government. In the judgment of the first, it is stated that “the residence adopted the relevant measures of isolation, diagnosis and treatment” and in the other “that there was neither lack of attention nor a therapeutic abandonment of the patient, which was given an adequate treatment according to the praxis that was being established in other hospitals.”
The president has read the letter from another relative: «I request withdraw my mother as the calculation of death by Covid in the residences of the Community of Madrid. I do not consider being considered a simple number with the only interest in using his death to cause political damage. So they are not the figures that you give. I hope and wish that many other relatives make this reflection and act accordingly. It would also be good to study this blackmail from the legal point of view. Thanks to all the personnel of his residence, for his attention and affection with my mother and the being in general. All the best”. “They stop twisting the pain of victims for political purposes, which is how they are in the Community of Madrid,” the regional president concluded.
Music to reassure more Madrid
Before the obvious nervousness of the deputies of more Madrid, very exalted throughout the plenary and its continuous shouts, the president of the Assembly, Enrique Ossorio, has asked them to calm down and encourage them to listen to more music to calm down. In that sense, he reminded them of the Sacred Art cycle organized by the Ministry of Culture, and if not, go to the Royal Theater. “They are very nervous, calm …”
Deputy Martínez Abarca, from more Madrid, has assumed a few obvious lies for anyone who has followed the plenary session in the assembly to try to attack the regional president. Thus, for example, he assured that Ayuso referred to the victims of residences as “those shit”, something that is not true.
#left #launches #dead #pandemic #Ayuso #president #demands #stop #twisting #pain #victims