Nothing better than feeling the threat of a common enemy to wake up from lethargy and get down to work. It is what has happened with Donald Trump and his policy of indiscriminate tariffs. European countries are increasingly aware of the need to unite their forces both in the field of security – with rearma programs in the face of the United States insinuations to stop supporting Ukraine in their fight against Russia – and economic. Hence The EU will put the money from citizens to work -The which sleeps in accounts and deposits, with hardly any remuneration- to invest in their companies.
The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, and the European Commissioner for Financial Services, María Luís Alburquerque, announced on Thursday the creation of a label aimed at the financial products they invest in European companies. The idea is to attract capital that now sleep In savings accounts “towards European initiatives and projects,” said body, and also face the great pull that has, traditionally, the US stock market in front of the European. The minister explained that this lethargic money amounts to about 11 billion euros.
The products that receive this label, explained body, will enjoy especially favorable taxation. They are about to define “the financial elements” of this product, taking into account that taxation is the competence of each Member State. “Fiscal treatment will be one of the key issues when directing all that savings towards these products,” said the Minister of Economy. We would be talking about, at least, a fiscal treatment comparable to the most favorable tax treatment of the investment instruments that exist in each of the countries; that is the starting point that we will begin to discuss, “he explained. In Spain, investment funds currently have the advantage that the investor does not have to pay if he makes transfers from one vehicle to another, a particularity that favors this product against others and with which other European countries do not count. It remains to be seen how the possible additional advantage that those investment funds would enjoy would enjoy -In European quotes, for example- that receive this new seal.
This project has already been adhered, in addition to Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg -the European capital of investment funds. This is expected Label be approved from here to 3 months, and in force “at the beginning of autumn”, explained body.
A claim that comes from afar
The claim that Tags or vehicles are needed that promote retail the investment in Europe It comes from afar. The former number one of the regulator pointed out last year that a “national strategy” was needed that encouraged the participation of the retailer in the markets, including a “multi-product personal savings account.” In this same idea, the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) enforced in a report published last year. The organization raised the creation of this individual savings and investment account, “which offers greater flexibility to savers to decide the assignment of assets” and allows them to benefit from a simplified taxation of capital income. The creation of this vehicle “could significantly boost the participation of households in capital markets, helping to raise the financial wealth of families and reducing the current concentration of savings in the real estate sector,” said that report.
BME had also raised similar measures in his White Paper to promote the competitiveness of Spanish capital markets; Specifically, he referred to “develop formulas to encourage the participation of retail investors in Spanish values markets, or more flexible and encourage investment in Spanish SMEs quoted through collective investment vehicles.”
Inverco, the Investment Fund Manager Association, has also always been very insistent when claiming a more favorable fiscal framework for investment that allows Spain to be less dependent on international capital markets.
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